With all due respect…
Is all this part of the plan?:
Trump now globally accused of gassing/abusing children
FBI agents usurping an election running free
Podesta/Clinton/Comey/Hussein living a fat life
CNN/MSNBC/ABC ABSOLUTELY control the narrative
Literally ZERO people have been jailed for their Obama-era crimes
Brennan freely and openly threatening the president
Every Twatter liberal fuck keeps their accounts while we cannot
Every social media platform getting away with massive censorship
Judicial Watch "law suits" going absolutely nowhere
Mueller owns everyone in an endless wrangling of anyone he wants
Horowitz CLEARLY fucking ignores obvious bias in the Clinton case
Wray unleashes his wrath and orders everyone to sensitivity training
Sessions is nowhere to be found in the world
No "unredacted" report anywhere in the world, contrary to your post
meanwhile…more of the plan?:
Trump's mispellings "intentional"
Trump makes "q" signs
Trump signals us by "drinking water"
"Find the capital letters"
We have "more than we know"
It is so out-of-control now that not even a video of Hillary gutting a baby will convince anyone. Period.
Is this the plan?
The only thing that will save anyone is if Mueller is actually a whitehat. Part of my gut tells me he is, but fuck…please Q…give us something; we are at wits-end with the fucking cabal.