Anonymous ID: 1d0357 July 1, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.1983109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3288

What makes red pilling hard is that most people tend to be more in the 'I need to be turned on to life' type of living, so its a very baseline pleasure/stimulation type of view of the world, it is very outwardly/extroverted. There is very limited self direction, eg. With giving info most of the time they dont want crumbs because they have no direction to go digging themselves, they want the whole loaf if you know what i mean. I must admit because of this it does get very tiring because you spend so much time red pilling them in as many ways, but none of seems to grab their full attention.


I guess we here are more prone to be 'turned on' , where we havent totally lost our sense of self and that awareness of self is that part of us that looks beyond the 'noise' of parents and family/friends/schools/media/gov etc.


Its a weird dynamic thats going on here because we are fighting this battle in the 'air' where it is intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual and contrast it to the dems and it is very much in the material world, its protests, its the pink pussy hats, its loud speakers etc.


But understood that its definately been engineered, so if thats the case, then we can engineer the correction if you will.


No point to this post, just had to speak and get my thoughts off my chest.

Anonymous ID: 1d0357 July 2, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.1996400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526



Thanks so much for the reply, I really did get alot out of the post. I definately have a lot of work to do on myself too, and i must admit the early days of my red pill journey i made so many mistakes and let my frustration and emotions get the better of me and it did turn some of my family and friends away from the info/message. I still make mistakes today, and it I appreciate the little bits of advice to help me improve the way i go about it.


Im one to never give up although i may get pessimistic at times, i care alot about the people around me, they are good people who work hard for themselves and families with good hearts and intentions.


I have seen them cop the heavy price of the lies and manipulation of govts and their policies over the years especially 2008/2009 GFC. Especially that period almost broke me seeing some friends and family have to lose and rebuild again…i also saw some silver linings too, the resilience they showed to get back up, things like this drive me.


I may never get the chance in this life to meet you all and look you in the eye and give you a bro shake and a hug lol , but I definately feel the energy on these Q boards, no word of a lie.


When it is all over, I really do hope POTUS, Q team , and Patriots can organise a day worldwide to celebrate and also honour the troops, and those brave men and women who passed, and fought hard to keep up fight by spreading truth at much cost to their lives.


Much love my fellow Patriots, its not over yet, lets find that extra gear and bring it home for ourselves, our family and friends, our troops, for everyone around the world and for our countries.