I just typed this up for the general thread, but as I checked the notables…I'm glad that the hive-mind is indeed strong here.
Thoughts on disclosure and how best to spread our knowledge.
Q came to 4chan for a reason. 4chan represents unbridled freedom of speech and a unique community that is ultimately responsable for a very large portion od internet culture as it exists today.I was introduced to 4chan as an undeeraged b& highschooler in Fall of 2006. The first super interesting thing I saw on /b/ was the Church of Scientology protests. That was wild.
It proved that an anonymous community could take a unified stance on real world issues and using an anonymous and totally free platform affect real world action.
We all know that plausible deniability was an equal share of Qgroup's decision to use 4chan as a starting point. There were soooo many LARPs in 2017. I paid too much attention to too many of them, but recently I've thought that this is why Q chose /pol/ at first. "Just another LARP" is the best plausable deniabnility you could ask for.
Ultimately 8chan is the perfect medium for this community (exactly the right amount of flexibility(so much so that I'm starting to think it was tailor made for this)), but recently we've been having
some serious discussions about how various aspects of how chan culture will affect normies coming here for proofs/truth. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have would probably not accept this environment as a place for truth simply for the language used (nigger/faggot). Honestly, it's the final solution to PC culture and I hope it never changes. I've seen some pretty liberal sites (imgur) rationalize 4chan culture. they post greentext stories a lot and love them, but really hate the chans. They seem to understand that "tits or GTFO" is really more about speech equality and not qualifying any poster's ideas as "special" because of their identity. It may be worth doing some writing (in addition ti the new static page (maybe even providing a new board for discussion))on general chan ideology to help explain the culture.
If we are still, for whatever reason, able to reach out to other platfourms during disclosure, they may provide some unique benefits. Certain communities are used to certain narrative voices, so there is an opportunity to pander to their expectations of wisdom. Secondly, when people encounter ideas on social media they are usually alone. This allows them to absorb the information without the pressure of a live interaction, or the expectations of their friends. unfortunately these avenues are being prepped to close to us, so 8chan may be the only place to have interactions. In that event I propose a "polite" thread for normie discussion and education. May of these people will not here what you say unless you say it with the words they know not to get mad at.
I believe the most effective way to spread this information is to talk to people you know 1 on 1 if possible. Make sure you are asking more questions that giving statements. I have found that If you place yourself in a position of humility by saying that you may well be totally wrong, people will not reject you outright. After all, this will all come to light. Future proves past, news unlocks map and all that. Full disclosure is overwhelming and frankly offensive. The things we are uncovering offend even OUR senses. That will be exponential for normies. Plant seeds of questions with people you know and see what answers grow as the rain of information begins to fall.
The calm before the storm is almost over, anons. I said this last night, but it bears repeating. This movement is at least the most interesting thing that has happened on the internet, and at most one of the most important events in the history of our species. Oh, and by the way, it's happening on a fucking chan board and I fucking love it. This is the best timeline, friends.