Welcome normie. As a conspiracy theorist myself, what you're complaining about is trivial compared to the outrages conspiracy theorists have seen. The fact you're EVEN AWARE that the FBI rig and tamper with elections in even a major media outlet is explosive by itself.
Do you remember the days when CTers said computers were backdoored and most people pointed and laughed and said, who would invest that amount of resources? Who would want to know what boring dull life you live? Then Snowden happened, and those assholes have since shut their traps.
What you're talking about, publicly, is corruption that has remained hidden below the surface for years. I bet prior to Trump v Clinton, the idea of the FBI itself tampering an election wasn't something that had even crossed your mind. Meanwhile anyone serious within CT would have known of the FBI's rampant corruption (if you aren't sharp enough, you end up in jail on a technicality or dead).
Q's job is fundamental. You're thinking about the consequences. If punishing evil people is that easy, why haven't you already filed a civil suit against Hillary? Why would evil even thrive if it's as simple as 'throw them in jail with no trial'?
Q has to first win over public opinion to gain public support, which in turn supplies public resources to fight what is going to become a public war. Your biggest enemy are your own brainwashed bretheren being used against you.
The more people convinced and onboard, the less power the deepstate has. Imagine an RTS game, where establishing a running economy is vital prior.
Lets assume worst case, that no jailings happen. We get:
1) Disgruntled populace who know what corrupt politicians have done
2) A shift in discussion and direction
3) Boycotts (why are you still using twitter and youtube?), which in turn loses them money
4) New organised resistance
5) Organisations who find their tricks no longer effective
CNN control the airways, but that's all they control. And why throw money at a propaganda tool that stops working? If everyone knows CNN is bollocks, and CNN knows people know that it's bollocks, CNN has to close or run away.
Took goddamn years to formulate a crack this big for someone to get through.