Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.1973591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Okay. First time poster, but I'm not a NewFag! I've been a lurker sense November!


I'm going to ramble A LOT HERE. I apologize for that if I do. I just have a lot to say. I hope somebody takes the time to read all this. I'd appreciate it.


Spreading the messages of Q coincides with things that I've always felt deep down in my gut, down to every FIBER of my body! I felt it ever sense 9/11!


I knew something was very wrong, from the day that happened. I've never been able to shake off that feeling sense, but I've always known that it wasn't normal.


I'm an older millennial, but I never felt like I belonged in the millennial generation. For one, all those around me just have a TERRIBLE sense of humor! I'd say that's more well the case for the younger millennial's. I believe that SELF-DEPRECATING HUMOR is the mark of genius!


There have been things that I've always wanted to do in life. I'VE WANTED TO DO THEM MORE THAN BREATHING!


The problem is I have to endure the left. I want go back to college and study FILM! (Also Illustration and graphics design) I'll be like Stanely Kubrick, except I'll vow not to torture women who look like Shelly Duvall. I'm not looking for extreme realism, and I'm certainly not masochistic! (Well, I might be in an ironic sense, but whatever.) Point is, I don't wanna do what all the other millennial's are doing, making INDIE GAMES!






Now, the issue is, if you bring up certain topics, topics that I want to dig deep into a SUBTLE way! Even that will cause liberal heads to roll, because they have no sense of humor, and we can't make fun of the mere idea of occultism nonsense, and the possible ties they might have to world politics! (Even if you're just making fun of the idea! The liberals have really lost all sense of humor)

What am I going to do? Do I just sit on my hands for the rest of my life and act like a good boy?


The old Hollywood machine is crumbling. Make no mistake about it. The only reason Hollywood exists in the first place is to ENTERTAIN! (And quite possibly enlighten, but to ENTERTAIN is the main priority!) People like Jim Carry are lost, but (I suppose) they had a better head on their shoulders back when they was younger, back before the Cabal fucked them up.

The entertainer is only there to get a person's mind off of the hassles of the world. It's possible that we live in a world now where EVERYTHING is a hassle, but it depends on who your audience is. In the nineties, the wider demographic were the traditional middle class, working families. Roseanne Barr's show makes a comeback, and rating skyrocket! And then they (Michelle Obama calling up ABC executives) take it away!


Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.1973611   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The people who have time to be "offended" are not the middle class! That Ed Krasheen guy on Twitter! (Fuck the proper spelling of this guys last name) That guy has to get paid for responding to Donald Trump's tweets. When's that money gonna run out? You can't be a crisis actor forever. The show has to end sometime, David Hogg, especially if people ain't buying your shit!


The Social Justice Warrior Culture has ruined EVERYTHING! Everything has been ruined by hoards of people not learning how to have a thick skin in regards to life in general.


It's just a hassle, because everybody I know is absorbed into their smart phones ALL DAY LONG! You create hassle for yourself when your attention always has to be on YOUR PHONE! When your entire self exists online, there is a problem! That energy has to be spent someplace else!


You cannot have two selves. You cannot walk around your entire life, interacting with other's in person, being overly nice, acting like everything's hunky-dory, and just live out your real persona online! We ALL have to be REAL and HONEST with each other, IN PERSON!


———– https://russia-insider. com/en/society/secret-wars-being-fought-minds-americans/ri23842 ———–


It really is a mental war, in every aspect of the word.


Killing myself always seemed to be the better option than dealing with this fake society, full of fake, happy people. I thought about it so many times.


For some reason though, I never went through with it. I'm glad I didn't.


I know there are those out there who have much worse then I ever will.


I'd love to make movies, but with the way our culture is, it's seems impossible. People my age are lazy millennial's anyway, and making movies is hard work! Perhaps I'm not that different, in some respects. I just haven't known what to do with myself for the past ten years. I don't think other people my age have had any idea what to do with themselves either, and I'm sure this was by design! The cabal made us in the image that they wanted for us to be in.


We lost something important when they did whatever it was that they did to us. It was something crucial to our developmental well-being. I'm not sure what it was. It was subtle. It was a slight of hand. I didn't even notice the magic trick taking place in front of me, but my subconscious certainly did. Whatever it was destroyed nearly everything that I loved.


This fake society we live in is a death trap, and we all know it. Hopefully, it's being swept away now. Either that, of the walls in our minds will be blown away by the sheer force of the Great Awakening.

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.1973644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've spent what little free time I have researching all sorts of things. Just random things that interest me.


I know that after Donald Trump ends the Federal Reserve (or restructures it), then we will officially have NO MORE PROBLEMS AS A NATION, except for the likely persistence of liberal ego's running amok. I'll have to deal with a lot of that. When this happens, it will be up to people like me to point the way, in regards to America's cultural resurgence, so I research all sorts of things to help me when that day comes. Creative ingenuity is best understood by analyzing the ingenuity (or insanity) of others. Sometimes that insanity is where creative ingenuity comes from, much like Pablo Picasso being driven to cut his own ear off.


You have to understand! Creative expression is CRUCIAL! IT'S CRITICAL! Steam has to be vented somehow! You can't bottle it forever! I get a sense that there's a lot that been bottled up over the years. I'm just the tip of the spear to it all.


Lately, I've been researching bands from the past. Lately, I've been looking in on the history of a late sixties, early seventies funk band called Funkadelic.


——— ———


Would a song like "Free your Mind and your Ass will Follow" even be understood by my own generation? I honestly don't know. I understand it. I don't even smoke weed. It's not so much about the crazy, sixties psychedelic culture. It's about the prison of the MIND, and believe me! I UNDERSTAND MIND PRISONS! I understand them better than anyone. Sure, I can find some humor in it, but if anything, bands from those times, including anything that David Bowie did, were just echo's of a distant future. (Our present)


Art is so incredibly important to me, and the globalists have forced the artist onto their SLAVE GARDENS, by means of the SJW culture. I felt like Dimitri Shostakovitch throughout Obama's reign. I still feel that way, although I know it's getting better now. The (still unpublished) work that I worked ten years on was, at least on some levels, written with the heart's blood. I didn't see a way out of this, even before I saw that Newsweek cover years ago in the grocery store checkout aisle. That was the cover with the "WE'RE ALL SOCIALISTS NOW," with the red hand shaking the blue hand. When I saw that, I was horrified beyond words. It was a moment when I realized that whatever dreams and aspirations I had were dead in the water. People around me were willingly giving themselves over to SOCIALISM, like this was the end to all the world's problems!


The liberals lost themselves the moment gave themselves over to the NEW ways of thinking!


I never lost myself, not even when I had no one to trust. Memories of my father, who died when I six years old, was what kept me in line. I'm just an echo of him. I'm now poised to do the kinds of things that I know he always wanted to do, or at least have a chance at it. Before President Trump, that wasn't so much the case. After this is over, people will learn to be more open to things now. I'm hoping so.


I don't really believe in Christianity, rather I have a sense of the 'ethereal knowledge of the universe,' if that makes any sense. Maybe that's God. It's hard to say. In any case, whatever it is is telling me to go for it. Believe me, I'm going.


Maybe the liberals just got out too far ahead of themselves. They always need to be in search of something, it seems. This was the case now as it was when Obama was in office. They always need some kind of distraction, to distract themselves AWAY from themselves, because they don't like what they see when they look in the mirror. They never did, and I'll be honest. I've been in the same boat as them, albeit for different reasons.


You can't turn away from that part of yourself. If you do, that part of yourself will catch up with you, like it did with Jim Carry. I can't even watch anything he does anymore, because he's drowning in his own desperation, more so than any early nineties Grunge band ever could. It's heart wrenching, like rubbing shards of glass into an open wound. That's what his art is all about. Exploitation is a tricky tight rope to walk on. It requires REAL humility! At least I manage to have fun with my work and not take it all so seriously. At least I've built up my portfolio, while slowly learning not to distract myself away from the issues that I need to take care of in my life. I'm still learning, but I suppose I'll get there. Put one foot in front of the other.


[[[The Hall of Mirrors]]]


——– https://you ——–


There's two differences between me and Jim Carry: My head wasn't fucked up by the Cabal, and I'm learning to be a part of this Great Awakening. I'm going to be one of it's messengers What I will do later on in life will be an elaborate extension of that message.

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.1973718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(I should say that my head wasn't too fucked up by the Cabal)


Hell, I've already BEEN it's messenger almost half my entire life! I just never realized it until last November.


I was once diagnosed with schizophrenia. Never took medication for it, even though the doctors pushed it. I'm taking Kratom. That seems to have helped quite considerably as of recent. The important part was that I didn't need to run into the arms of social abusing Cabal back then. Not with the state I was in some ten years ago, where I didn't know my head from my ass, and felt like I had no control of anything. Hollywood is full of all sort's of abusers. I was smart enough to understand that much.


I started writing and drawing, a long time ago. I had no idea what else to do. I DON'T let other people dictate what my content should be! Real art (in my opinion) is supposed to be provocative, and is supposed to challenge the ego! It's supposed to challenge the author's or artist's OWN ego! That's how you cultivate some humility about yourself, but no! These people around me just wanted to be coddled in their own ego's! It's sickening!


Adolf Hitler should had stuck with painting. Sure, he probably wasn't that good, or nobody else understood why his passion's were invested in the kind of art that he wanted to do. Adolf Hitler went the route of gas chambers, because he was weak, concerning the things that he really wanted out of life. He collapsed in on himself before he could find a place where he could fit in. I don't think you ever stop looking, to be perfectly honest, but it does get better. Hitler? He turned to Nationalized Socialism as a means of escaping the harsher realities of life, and finding the unexpected joys within.


Bob Ross went the opposite way. He spent his earlier career as a military drill Sargent, but he collapsed in on himself with that life. Bob Ross' life went along far better than Adolf Hitler's, although I can't help but see some sort of weird parallel between the two men. I guess it's all about how you deal with it.


It's something to take into consideration when you're talking to liberals. Liberal's tend to be ArtFags. I'm just obsessed about visuals. The visuals are always important.


Just look at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's congressional bid. Look at the PICTURES that's taken of her, with all the eye-catching, sleek campaign graphics! With New York being a blue state, there's a somewhat good chance she'll win anyway, but the VISUALS are what will put her over the edge, at least with the lizard brains! Sometimes, the lizard brains can only work off of visuals. There's not much one can do to get these people off the lizard brain mentality. The good news is that this board can use it to their advantage, if you know graphics design, and have an eye for detail. I'm obsessed with detail. That's my autism.

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.1973784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So, yeah. I always trust my own instincts. I never trust the word of mouth of others, unless what they say makes sense to me. It's been a long time sense I've heard the voices of reason. Listening to Alan Watts lectures has helped a lot also.


I think the one thing I always wanted was to feel like how I did when I was younger. I want it to feel like the eighties and nineties again, and this isn't nostalgia talking! (At least I'm pretty sure it's not.) There was genuine sense of community back in those days. The community was important.


In the nineties, it seemed that there were two classes of culture. There was the fake Hollywood version, and there was the middle class version. The fake Hollywood culture was the marketing firms that pushed out all the Sunny D commercials, with west coast kids skateboarding on sidewalks, saying RADICAL to everything. The middle class version was Roseanne Barr, more or less.


As a child of the nineties, I'd say it was more about making light of various aspects of life. I never took anything seriously. That is to say that I didn't take things TOO SERIOUSLY! Life is a shit show, but it can be a FUN shit show if you learn not to let it get to you, if you can somehow learn how to ride the wave, much like a certain Troll in Chief does with his political naysayers. The fake, Hollywood culture had a similar mood toward it all, but I got the sense the marketing firms didn't really know what they were doing. They were just kinda "wingin' it," in much the same way that Cannon Films from the eighties pumped out a slew of schlocky Chuck Norris films. Still, it was good times.


Most of us didn't remember these lessons. Either that, or the modern day left evolved out from the moody, northwestern Grunge music culture who got tired of Grunge music, so when the 2000's rolled around, they sought to "free" themselves.


Socialism was their savior. It was the only savior that they had from THEMSELVES! The music and the message used to be there, but it faded away by the mid 2000's into meaningless pop dribble. We know now that the CIA was forcing all subcultures into submission well before then. For the past ten years, we've been living in a sea of meaninglessness, with waves and waves of crappy pop music, and emo bands ARMED WITH BANJO'S! (Mumford and Sons) Good music is still out there, but it's becoming harder and harder to find these days. (Yes! As an ArtFag, I use musical trends to gauge where where we are and where we're going in regards to general culture. It's something I still hold onto sense the nineties.)

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.1973836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of the very few groups out there who understood what was happening just so happened to be a new wave, eighties band. DEVO came out with their last album in the late 2000's, entitled 'Something for Everybody.' You listen to the songs on that album, and you realize that they understood that we were heading into a dark point in time. Still, they went balls to the wall by putting a good tune to it all. We're all DEVO.


George Carlin understood what was coming down along the pike. He was quoted as saying that he was glad he was going to be dead before society went to hell. He was an 'old fuck,' but I could tell that he cared for other people. Like many who came before my generation, he just didn't see a way out of it. I can't blame him. Who would?


There were so many subtle, or perhaps not so subtle examples in art and film that predicted there being a 'cultural doomsday' upon the horizon. This all hearkens back to the some of the earliest predictions. (Look up: The Technological Society by Jacques Elluel. —- MANDATORY READ!)


The uprising of (Main stream) social media was supposed to bring us closer together. It's just driven us further apart. The globalists and the general progression of technology have all cut us off from each other. I see that as clear as day now. The reason why the millennial generation - my generation - isn't having children is because the globalists succeeded. Their hatred and contempt for us overpowered my generation. When your surrounded by feminists, it can be a tough ride. I'm looking to get out of that. I've dealt with enough animosity.


Family is an odd word to me, mainly because due to being a latch-key kid of the nineties, I have no frame of reference as to what a family is supposed to be. I think It would be wise to note though that family is what sets a kid straight, and culture and a general, basic sense of community – not socialism or communism, as they relate to politics, and politics to anyone under the age of 25 should be NULL and VOID – is the extension beyond the family. It's an acceptance into a family all on it's own, where freedom of expression reigns supreme, but doesn't adhere to ANY FORM OF POLITICS WHATSOEVER…unless you're making fun of it. Huge respects to John Stewart's legacy, even though I didn't really care for the Daily Show back then. Still, he was the last true mainstream comedian, before the left chopped it's own balls off.


It wasn't anything I could had done to stop the destruction of our cultural institutions. It just is what it is. None of us could had done anything to prevent it. Still, it's a bastardization of my own being, a permanent scar of DISHONOR, in much the same way I'm sure the Japanese felt after they lost World War II. Only difference is nobody needed to drop a nuclear bomb on anybody. World War III wasn't going to be waged with nuclear weapons anyway. It was going to be waged with FEAR, constant teachings of SELF-HATRED, and the overall CONTROL of INFORMATION!


And now, we live in a world where we HAVE to be on our cell phones ALL THE TIME! Trying to talk about keeping the cell phone at home with people my age? Forget it! It's like I'm speaking another language! That is, until I say that their constant need to always be checking their INSTAS or their Facebooks is wearing them down to a point where they have no time to enjoy THEIR OWN LIVES! They always have to looking at somebody else's life and comparing it to their own!


Welcome to The Technological Society!


We are showroom dummies.


Why did God have to make me a millennial, sitting here, writing this, being forced to lament my existence like an emo band armed with banjo's, like John Calhoun's 'beautiful ones,' off in Universe 25, grooming myself, being a pretentious little RAT FUCK and not mating with those of the opposite sex?


Why'd he make Moses and his people walk through the desert for forty years?


I guess I'm just an ArtFag. Where's Andy Warhol when you need him? STAND ON ZANZIBAR, MOTHER FUCKER! SOCIETY IS INSANE BY DESIGN!


At least I have a real job. Not the job I want, but I keep it movin' anyway.

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.1973915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've heard recently about a shift in how businesses do business. I don't remember who said it, but once I heard it, I knew it was truth. What I heard was that a long time ago, businesses used make their business, with the philosophy of "whatever was a reasonable profit." That changed in the late seventies. It changed to a philosophy of "Whatever the market will bare." In other words, work and tire people out, until they are like RAG DOLLS! I'll admit it. I'm no Donald Trump. Far from it, but I do know that THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE! In my work world, people all around me are so hyper and strung out! Yes, I am a millennial, and I have been prone to laziness at times. Take that with a grain of salt, but the point is that this philosophy of "whatever the market will bare" isn't healthy for anybody, no matter how much of a WorkFag you are.


Many of us are intentionally being strung out, so we can be made to snap. Americans are forced to overwork so much, that the average person doesn't even have time to figure out what the real news is supposed to be! THIS WAS ALL BY DESIGN! Where will the madness end?


When the shit hit's the fan, I'll have to tell them. That's the general goal of this board, to tell the normies about WHY shit is hitting the fan, but what happens after the Great Awakening? For me, I'll be able to move on with the next phase of my life. I know what I'll do, because it's the one thing that will 'complete' me as a person. (Whatever that's supposed to mean…) I'm still waiting though. I've been most patient. I've been extremely patient.


It's still hard for me to smile most days, but not all the time. It's impossible for me to relate to people around me, just due to my past with schizophrenia. I might not ever be over it, but I understand it. I think I've gotten to a point where I can move past it, even if my life sometimes seems to be in a perpetual state of falling apart.


Hell, I at least know what hard work is. More or less. Can't say that about most other millennial's, can ya?


The only thing that I want is for everyone to be free. I want for everyone to be able to freely express themselves IN PUBLIC, without fear, no matter how bat-shit crazy some people's opinions may be perceived. I WANT PEOPLE TO BE WHO THEY REALLY ARE! You can be happy, you can be miserable, but always BE YOURSELF! This is important, more so for my own sanity than it is for everyone else's.

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 1 p.m. No.1973950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4965

As an ArtFag, I embrace the more bat-shit crazy type of personalities, as long as they aren't a group of brain-dead socialists. Unfortunately, that's more or less the case these days. Their brains are more malleable. They have no idea who they are. Their identity was taken out of them long ago, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I would had been just like them, if it weren't for the fact that I understood this unspoken decay that was eating away at society. I understood that it was being allowed to fester, right as the 2008 stock market crash happened, right as the endless recession took hold. Everything the Cabal did was systematic, a methodical demolition of American culture and heritage, striking at the foundations of our structures. I saw it as clear as day, well before I first saw Glenn Beck with his chalk board, ranting about Soros.


No longer will it be unspoken. We have to seize the moment, like Charlie Chaplin, with that great, fiery speech of his. That is how to be genuine. That is what I want. To speak the truth these days is to be like lightening in a bottle. There's nothing more exciting than to be like lightening in a bottle. There really isn't.


WWG1WGA is America's Swan Song.


This opera has been nothing short of incredible. That being said, I hope it's about to end soon. I've been sitting in this theater for way too long.


Hell, entire generations have been sitting in this theater. I guess I can wait a bit longer.


END! (whew…yes, I'm done posting.)

Anonymous ID: 7b78c5 June 30, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.1974448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5474



I understand the importance of being charming and confident, and no doubt, you're genuine with both yourself and the message.


I think the deeper issue is that there are many in our society who won't trust the charming and confident. I might be paranoid for my own reasons, but everyone around me doesn't even want to hear good news! There's a serious issue with that…maybe just let them be?