TRUST YOURSELF is good advice. Remeber that you've been conditioned to NOT trust yourself, and that conditioning is strong. Look the facts in the eye and KNOW them. I think this is why Q tells us to read and reread slowly and carefully.
That said, know that people take multiple exposures to come around to an idea. There's an old adage in sales that "sales isn't made on the first call". People tune out radio ads until they've heard it a bunch of times, then it finally starts to actually be comprehended.
Bring up the facts, stay cool, practice AMUSED MASTERY. That is, don't get attached to the outcome. Learn how the human mind works. Learn about the biases and the tricks it plays, like "projection" ("learn the meaning of the term PROJECTION'), "gaslighting", "fight or flight" shutting down comprehension, "defensiveness coping strategies", etc.
(Seriously, read the (((wikipedia))) articles for these terms, and a lot will be very apparent and you'll be playing on easymode with normalfags.)
I have spent many years doubting myself, but the last year or two I have stopped and learned about these things. I have also red pilled my entire family and in laws. It works…just keep learning and trusting YOURSELF and keep at it. I love you faggots.