Anonymous ID: 13071e Aug. 10, 2022, 10:15 a.m. No.17340856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1196 >>3771


Biden close to finalising deal to send refugees to SPAIN amid staggering migrant crisis


The President is prepared to conclude his deal with Spain that will resettle refugees from the US-Mexico border to ease pressure. Hundreds of thousands of migrants reach the border every month with the aim to enter the United States.


The deal with Spain comes at the same time that Canada has vowed to help America by taking in Haitian migrants who wish to work who have attempted the journey from Mexico.


Proposals are still in the discussion stages of negotiation, but it is understood that the plans may be announced at the Summit of the Americas next week.


The President has been vocal about global co-operation to tackle the pressures of the migrant crisis which has worsened since Biden’s administration took power.


The deal will also see a benefit for Spain which suffers from the highest rate of unemployment in the EU at 13.5 percent.


According to unions and companies in Spain, the tourism sector has over 100,000 vacancies and the nation needs at least half a million building workers.


The US news website Axios said that internal planning documents reviewed by the company reveal that the initial number of refugees to be resettled in Spain will be “modest” but “symbolically important”.


They also say that the US is hoping Spain will commit to doubling or tripling the number of temporary workers it receives from Central America with an employment-based migration program.


It remains unclear if those who have been accepted by Spain for resettlement would have to apply at US embassies and consulates outside the US.

Anonymous ID: 13071e Aug. 10, 2022, 10:16 a.m. No.17341003   🗄️.is 🔗kun




a government-subsidized public corporation created by Congress in 1970 to operate a national intercity passenger railroad system through contracts with existing railroads.



211 Moby Thesaurus words for "special":

Amtrak, absolute, another, article, article of commerce,

article of merchandise, baggage train, best, bizarre, bosom,

cable railroad, categorical, celebrated, celebratory, certain,

characteristic, choo-choo, classificational, classificatory, close,

closest, cog railroad, cog railway, commodity, concerted, concrete,

conspicuous, curious, daily, daily newspaper, dear, defined,

defining, definite, deliberate, denominative, designated, detailed,

determinate, determined, devoted, different, differential,

distinct, distinctive, distinctively, distinguished, divisional,

divisionary, drug, el, electric, electric train, elevated, else,

eminent, esoteric, especial, esteemed, estimable, exact,

exceptional, exclusive, express, express train, extra,

extra edition, extraordinary, faithful, feature, festive, finicky,

fixed, flier, freight, freight train, freighter, full, funicular,

fussy, gala, gazette, good, goods train, idiosyncratic, important,

individual, inimitable, inner, interurban, intimate, item,

lead item, leader, leading card, lightning express, limited, local,

loss leader, loyal, main feature, major, marked, memorable,

meticulous, metro, milk train, minute, momentous, monorail,

national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, news, newspaper,

newspaper of record, nice, noble, not that sort, not the same,

not the type, notable, noteworthy, occasional, odd, of a sort,

of another sort, of mark, of sorts, ordinal, other, other than,

otherwise, outstanding, paper, paramount, parliamentary,

parliamentary train, particular, particularly, passenger train,

peculiar, personal, picayune, pointed, precise, prestigious,

primary, prime, private, product, prominent,

rack-and-pinion railroad, rag, railroad train, rare, rattler,

red-letter, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, respective,

rolling stock, salient, seconds, set, several, sheet, shuttle,

shuttle train, signal, significant, singular, solipsistic,

special edition, speciality, specialized, specially, specific,

specifically, standard article, staple, staple item, staunch,

steadfast, strange, streamliner, striking, subdivisional, subway,

sui generis, tabloid, taxonomic, telling, train, tube, typal,

typical, uncommon, unconventional, underground, unforgettable,

unique, unorthodox, unusual, valued, vendible, ware, way train,

weekly, weekly newspaper, weird

Anonymous ID: 13071e Aug. 10, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17341498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3771


>so senators and congress dems pass laws and bills with a ton of money, they launder the money and give it to left wing orgs in the US, so we are funding left wing radicals bent on destroying our country and society



Then the Leftist media sells their story.