>no argument
Let's play this through:
Rothschilds got their banker out, no one else. Paid a real fortune for him. DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE.
What does this mean?
Rothschilds did not care about anyone else
Nazis were corrupt as fuck as well.
If Nazis complied with that, why not let everyone go?
Nazis even gave the banker a nice little home instead of some dirty camp. Of course a banker can not be thrown into regular jail like peasants.
SLAVE LABOR, tons of people abused (includes Jews, but not just Jews). German elite got a fortune out of that.
Prosecuted? NO.
Indicted? NO.
Were even able to keep the money? YES.
How does this make any sense?
That's how much the elites care about regular Jews. They care about them as much as for any other regular Joe. ie. not at all.
Facts: Most (if not all) German Nazi judges were not killed or arrested and prosecuted.
Were the Nazi judges secret Jews?
Didn't they go after regular Joe Jews?
Why wouldn't "the Jews" get them all?
Further fun fact:
Tons of Nazis were able to live in South America UNDER THEIR REAL NAMES. No one touched them. Why?
If Nazis were actually le bad enemies of le bankers, why weren't they hunted down?
Not many explanations for this one.