#Race MiXing is beautiful. Would you Anons?
One caption reads, "Crimo shared a video where he reached into a schoolbag in an empty fake classroom…" but that looks like it was filmed in a REAL classroom. Where is this location?
>Let's piss off the retarded shills.
Jekyll Island reader I see.
When banksters started controlling countries, mid 1500s, its gone downhill since. Cycles of debt and war. Anon believes Masons control the captains of industry, the same way CIA/Hefner did. Catch them doing bad things, laud it over them for control.
It's been 1.5 years, things are different now. Do you all comprehend how significant throwing out RvW actually is? Be wary as always with anything not just with Q posts but obviously our discernment in general has led us down this path towards all of this magnificent winning; you are vindicated.
When it habbens, Anon won't be out n about while armed. Anon will be watching his threshold, and the fatal funnel that follows.
Prayer Time Soon
Get ready, it's going to be Biblical