muh spirtual seed
seethe and dilate, nigger
you will never be white
God hates you
The Evils Are The One Instead Looking In Their Own Mirror, They Prefer Take Advantage Of Other
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There are too many evils in this world, and all of them have the same character of want to take advantage of other via “enslave” and “control” others.
Instead of self evolve, self study, all they are doing till their death is “enslave” and “control” others.
Those who do not know the limit always die and gone !
In the modern world today, the role of royal families are less important but why there are still colony nations?
The most obvious one is the those common wealth nations group.
And next are the big business organization who always want on “eat” any competitor and young start-up.
At the end of the day, the evil will always lose and will never able to escape of circle death rebirth.
I high recommended whoever still on that evil side, you guys better look in the mirror to self judge yourself, and maybe stop all your stupid act before the super gods deities angry and kill all of you!
Best Regard,
The Savior
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