That poser "Mon-Archy" literally stoled the Stone of Tara and proceeds to desecrate and disrespect it daily. This can't just be a Christianity against the rest of the World narrative.
"Biden made FREQUENT trips to synagogue MINYANS and services in Wilmington, Del., with his Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz."
In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD
"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."
Give this anon a medal, diging threw creates let me get cha sum thin.
Alpha News
A satanist drag queen and porn star who wants to destigmatize gay incest porn is emceeing an upcoming pride fest that enjoys support from the Minnesota taxpayer.
Taxpayer-funded pride event to be hosted by satanist incest pornographer - Alpha News
Taxpayer dollars have been allocated to help fund an event that will be hosted by a satanist drag queen who stars in gay incest pornography.
9:16 AM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone