I used to think Trump would be openly reinstated after the states withdrew their fraudulent electoral votes. That is not going to happen. 2024 is too far off for him to get back in with loyal voters, too much damage would be done by then, bad guys win long before then with the casualties from the vax and a full blown depression will be in full swing. No real clear indication that elections are going to be clean in Nov 2022, and even if house and senate go Republican they won’t do shit, most are compromised. I don’t have money to donate to Trump anymore, sick of getting 15 emails a day. Best case scenario is they sweep in November, make DeSantis the Speaker, impeach Biden and Harris, put in DeSantis. But I don’t see that happening at all. The reliance on one guy Durham working in a corrupt judicial system with a Stasi FBI is born to fail. If military devolution scenario is happening they need get that going quick, people are dying.
most everything in his life turned against him job family community
never knew the man, but would have been fren
Tenpenny is a bullshitter too, but someone willing to sacrifice a verified phone number should see if mentioning legitimate damage like myocarditis gets a ban too.