it took us a while but we understand the magnitude now
if you think someone on a white horse is going to sweep in and undo the fuckery happening in the world than you and I live in two different worlds. one is real. the other is a myth. friend, some damage cannot be undone. consequences are lasting. i think it is much easier to have hope in "a plan" but at some point it's necessary to realize….there is NO plan. There IS reacition. There is counter action. But collectively there is NO PLAN. Not because we don't want one. Rather, our power isn't strong enough to implement a plan. We are the underdog.
that nerd at the end wants to lick that satanist female dirty cunt
>PA[Y]PAL visits
Tesla to pay workers’ abortion travel costs after moving HQ to Texas
By Ariel Zilber
June 24, 2022 1:33pm Updated
San Francisco Archbishop bars Nancy Pelosi from Communion over abortion stance
By Callie Patteson
May 20, 2022 5:14pm Updated
Pelosi receives Communion in Vatican amid abortion debate
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home archbishop has said he will no longer allow her to receive the sacrament in his archdiocese because of her support for abortion rights.
June 29, 2022, 9:27 AM PDT / Source: Associated Press
By The Associated Press
ROME — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis on Wednesday and received Communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, witnesses said, despite her position in support of abortion rights.