Very surprised at how much Savanah Hernandez now's about the crooked government America has and the Biden handlers can't fool her for a second.
>send money to foreign nations to protect their borders
>leave american borders open to illegals can come in and get issued id's so they can continue to keep voting you treasonous faggots in to office
what a great fucking idea /s
these parasites do not represent the american people
major general smedley butler
who was the most decorated marine eve when he died
in the 1930s he said this in his book "war is a racket"
"i spent 33 years and 4 months in active military service and during that period i spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for big business for wall street and the bankers. in short , i was a racketeer , a gangster for capitalism."
he called out the military-industrial complex before it had a name
i don't think you would have called smedley butler
"a marxist, long haired, peace- love-dope psedudo-intellectual hippy" to his face
read about him, read his book, tell others
she's pretty
Like dogs