Anonymous ID: 78d6e5 Aug. 11, 2022, 2:46 p.m. No.17371844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I'm preparing for SHTF

I try to tell my Q brainwashed friends this.


Not listening. (it's their right to believe nonsense and not my right to force change it.)

Still they spin the Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Santa Surfing (pic related)


They got networks of Grifter now. Foreign Youtubes that had colorful games or bullshit then suddenly the Charlie Ward Show. I will never join Telegram with all the telegrifters. when I see DQDawg and crew of fuckin shit talkers I know it's psychological op. They never bring any god damn information. Just arguments about bullshit.


it's "TEAM CAT LASER" h/t george webb for that.

Anonymous ID: 78d6e5 Aug. 11, 2022, 2:50 p.m. No.17372559   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NED, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO, CIPE, NDI, IRI, FTUI, ACLIS, Our Tax Dollars and Extra Constitutional Activities?


If Anon understands this correctly, Congress has no authority to enter into treaties with or make agreements with other countries. That is the pervue of the Executive Branch. The establishement of NGOs funded by Congress and overseen by boards packed with politicians (most of whom are not President and never have been) and buruecrats who have never been President does not make it OK to meddle in the affairs of other countries. Congress has the purse strings but they do not, in Anon's opinion, have the authority to finance Extra Constitutional activities nor do they have the authority to assign such activities to NGOs or labor unions. Most certainly the NGOs in question and the AFL-CIO have no Constitutional authority to meddle in foreign countries.


The National Endowment for Democracy has been a controvercial entity since early in it's history ( NED has been called redundant and complimentary. Of course, the beurocracy has determined that NED is not duplicative but is complimentary. The question is, is it Constitutional?

NED Fax -


A: As a non-governmental organization, NED plays a critical,complementaryrole to official U.S. Government efforts to promote democracy abroad. First, NED’s NGO status allows it to work where there are no government to government relations and in other environments where it would be too complicated for the U.S. Government to work."

-"NED also enjoys a comparative advantage in providing assistance during times of rapid political change or crisis. Because NED is small and non-bureaucratic, it can be much more responsive to changing circumstances on the ground. NED’s independence from the U.S. Government also allows it to work with many groups abroad who would hesitate to take funds from the U.S. Government."

-"Finally, NED is better able to work with the small, relatively new groups that often typify democratic movements in their earliest phases of development. NED usually provides small grants to these groups and works closely with them until they build the capacity to run larger programs such as those more commonly funded by the US Government."


Anon has a major concern about NED and everything about it. Is NED an end run around the constitution? Voters across the US alledgedly elect Presidents to represent them as required by the Constitution. Congress is allegedly elected by the people of their respective states and districts (not by all voters). How can it be constitutional for Congress to establish an entity funded with tax dollars, staffed by unelected individuals and send them out to meddle in the affairs of other countries? Voters nationwide did not vote any of these people to the positions they hold in these Extra Constitutional Entities. If these are unconstitutional entities, it's important to understand that their activities have been ongoing for decades. What do Anons think? Am I concerned about nothing or do you think there is something to be concerned about?