biden's handlers wants you all ghey
just awful
if someone was going to fake that shit, they would just wait for the right day, so that anons like you could make your Q clock delta connections. doesn't mean shit. tripcodes can and have been hacked. hack the trip code, brag about hacking it on twitter, /abcu/, and gay ass interviews all over the internet, larp as a spooky hacker, then drop some weak ass posts.
couldn't even get the catchphrase right
>it had to be done this way
Q would never return while Trump is out of the White House
the optics of that = treason against a sitting president (Biden)
things have been worse
Thank you, anon. Test and functional validation always helpful.
Hawaii owns/holds the sky?
newsmax fired emerald robinson for not vaXXXing
Churches are for the sheep that need to be controlled.