Fuck this.
I lost my mom because she was duped into the vax. A large influence on her was the media ability to call anything outside of mainstream a wild conspiracy. Q posting has a large blame in causing these outcomes.
There is no saving demoralized people and what I’ve gathered from q posting, it just keeps the people who could lead a change, busy chasing false leads. Anything off the mainstream now gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist. How the fuck was this plan a good idea? Baby boomers are still stuck in the Industrial Age. Who the fuck would have any trust now? What influence was Q suppose to have besides causing more fucking problems?
Infinity Chan is now dead except for this bullshit.
Q killed 4chans influence and flooded these spaces with normies, effectively killing internet culture. The 2016 election impact of meme influence is over.
Q came and put a spot light on you anons, confirming a bias that Hillary Clinton labeled you as to the masses. Normies get hooked and waste time on “insider” LARPs trusting a false promise, resulting in taking no action and looking crazy. Baby boomers either think you’re insane for following this shit or they buy into >>17389618
Fuck this.
I lost my mom because she was duped into the vax. A large influence on her was the media ability to call anything outside of mainstream a wild conspiracy. Q posting has a large blame in causing these outcomes.
There is no saving demoralized people and what I’ve gathered from q posting, it just keeps the people who could make a change busy chasing false leads. Anything off the mainstream now gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist. How the fuck was this plan a good idea? Baby boomers are still stuck in the Industrial Age. What influence was Q suppose to have besides causing more fucking problems?
Infinity Chan is now dead except for this bullshit. Which doesn’t result in anything constructive.
Q killed 4chans influence and flooded these spaces with normies, effectively killing internet culture. The 2016 election shock of meme influence is over. Q came and put a spot light on you anons, effectively confirming a bias that Hillary Clinton labeled you as. Normies got hooked on “insider” LARPs trusting a false promise, resulting in taking no action and looking crazy. Baby boomers either think you’re insane for following this shit or they buy into it and end giving it the worst optics possible..
I’m one of the first orders for a white make America great again hat. I was in Del Rio before you came to give one of your first speeches during the campaign. I had the hat shipped to a hotel right next to were you setup.
The dog whistling lured us in. You didn’t make one thing great again and have killed morale.
At this point, why even namefag? Just dox yourself already, they’ll say you’re full of shit and the masses will go along with it.
Hiding behind Q is the same complacent leadership anons need to do nothing, and watch as world burns.
I’ll be watching antifa fuck up dc the weekend. Atleast I don’t have to run into a bunker… MAGA