How could Politico KNOW that when AG Garland just said yesterday "We ONLY communicate with filings in the court"?
Either AG lied, or Politico is lying.
These people are completely broken. ZERO ammo left.
How could Politico KNOW that when AG Garland just said yesterday "We ONLY communicate with filings in the court"?
Either AG lied, or Politico is lying.
These people are completely broken. ZERO ammo left.
Politico isn't an authority over classification of information.
Kash: "They took the bait"
You may be onto something.
Legally, information classifications change on VERBAL POTUS orders, NOT when the 'physical symbols' subsequently change through bureaucratic process for the physical documents containing the information.
The DEFINITION of the SOURCE of 'symbols' is where the Satanic Cult will destroy themselves by THEIR NEED FOR SYMBOLISM
They will NEED to insist that physical markings are the source of truth, because their logic extends from a 'materialist' source code.
Watch what happens.
Anon calmly posting basic truths on other platforms and getting BLASTED with projections of the receiver's own panic attacks.
Yes, Anons are comfy AF.
Why did the FBI raid MALnowwhen they had since Jan 20, 2021 to do so?
If 'it was obvious' Trump was improperly handling information back then, then logically the raid SHOULD have occurred as soon as he left office.
What INFORMATION prompted the DOJ to take action TODAY?
That's how Anons know Patriots are in control. Patriots BAITED the DOJ into doing this, some how, some way.
We've seen this a million times already.
Every attack is 'ok now we got him'.
And still he always manages to win.
Trump's enemies are finished.
The Pit has them terrified.
>It's on the warrant.
No it isn't. There is no mention of a 'Grand Jury empaneled in DC' in the warrant.
Why are you REPEATING what has no sauce and lying about it being in what is sauced?
Cringe op mockingbird 'aSsOCiATiOn' between events and division code, shill.
Are you idiots even trying anymore?
How are 'they' going to force Trump into prison, when Trump is backed by the military?
They'd just be saying 'we need to go to war'.
Reinhart was the judge who approved the raid, that's separate from any other legal process.