How does his relegion play a part in this?
Why would his relegion play a part in this?
This is like out of left field.
This cat pulled this shit out his back pocket.
Is this is this a "relegion card?"
Who knew Garland was Jewish?
If that's the case, please give us the whole list of Jewish persons who have committed high treason, it will make the executions move along smoother.
And if you would, let me know which persons of specific relegions should be executed first, middle, and last.
I'm not hip on all the different religious protocols.
[They] can fight amongst themselves over who dies first because of their relegion.
I'm more than O.K. to execute evil in Alphabetical Order.
No shield can protect [You]
>How does his relegion play a part in this?
Programming for decades will trigger those still asleep.
Those who have pulled back the curtain see them for who and what they are.
No communistic social shield card can be played durrring biblical times..
Go directly to the gallows..
Then off to be drawn and quartered..
I'll be lobbying to get my representatives to change the law so it's all legals n shit.
<The Tread Grease Bill.