Anonymous ID: 5dc291 Aug. 13, 2022, 4:18 a.m. No.17386295   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6320

The Storm is Here


People are waking up. This Light is so bright . . . it is illuminating all Duality . . . it is illuminating all Division . . . it is illuminating all that is False and Illusory . . . that nothing can stop the Revelations Unfolding. Nothing.


This is the Time of the Great Remembering. This is the Time of the Great Reunion. Your Living Words are your Wands. Your Inner Sentience is your Fertilizer for your Sacred Knowings, your Epic Rememberings, and your Ultimate Emancipations from the Serpent’s Seductions and Incarcerations. Even the word Seduction, has the root word and sound, Seed-Action. There is that Serpent gnarling around the God Codes and the Living Word of Source again. The Serpent U-serped God’s Seed Actions, and God’s Seeded Actions, and inverted Divine Seed Action into Seed-U-cution. More like caution, or a warning. Perhaps meaning a warning about the Seed. The Warning Seed. Or a Seed of Warning. Isn’t it wild and wonderful to look deeper into the words and sounds you use every day to create your life stories? You will be surprised what you find when you look deeper into the language of the 3D matrix (regardless of country of origin). Incarceration and Seduction are woven throughout it all. Its all part of this Epic Spiritual Battle the Serpent is narcissistically waging on Source, and thus on Creation itself.


Lion is Standing Tall and summoning your Courage. Your Bravery. Your Higher Sensory Abilities. And your Sacred Empowerment and Sovereignty that has always been your birthright. You Are The Lion You Seek. You Are The Sacred Seed You Seek. You Know This Lion. You Know This Christ. You Know This Courage and This Power. Its YOU. You Are The One You Have Been Waiting For All This Time To Awaken.


Storms of all kinds will continue to blow through. A dark and illusory world is being destroyed, and eradicated. A True and Divine World is being elevated and emancipated. It is happening right before your eyes. Or we should say, it is all happening right before your multidimensional senses.


You are in The Storm, dear ones. And you must activate your higher senses to navigate it well, and in joy, despite the intensity of emotions the Grand Awakening and these Ascensionary Events will manifest. You are all in this together. Find your grounding within each and every day. Only you can reunite with Source. And you must trust others to find their way to grounding and union too. But as a Soul Presence activated in your Divine Sentience once more, as a Living Light activated in the Oneness Light and Heart of Source again, you are unstoppable, un-tippable, un-corruptible, un-seducible, un-“spell”-able, and un-breakable. In other words, you can live, stand, rise, and shine like the Divine Lion and Lioness you were always meant to be. And you can be a higher dimensional rock or lighthouse in the storms, shining a light for others to find their way back to the Heart of Gaia and back to Divine Union with Source.