Anonymous ID: 245969 Brony pedofiles on Imgflip Dec. 26, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.4477207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7926 >>8459 >>4631

I don't see anybody talking about Bronies, so here goes. Here are a few images to get you familiarized with what they're about. These are from a popular user on a website that a lot of Qanons use for creating memes.


I don't think these images are illegal because they don't show images of actual children. These images clearly show adult-child sexual interactions which the bronies fap to. These aren't even the full blown 'Clop'.


I want to see the laws updated. The animation loophole gives these perverts too much freedom and security. Does anybody know what has to be done to get animated pedophilia and bestiality considered illegal? These next 6 years are the time to get it done, how do we make it happen?

Anonymous ID: 245969 Dec. 26, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.4482700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's not art, that's pedophilia as far as I'm concerned. People that are into that are a HUGE risk to children. When I was a kid, it was the sailor moon fagots that were the sick freaks, now it's these pony fags. And yes, the only sailor moon fagot I knew did molest kids.


I would happily give up all Americans rights to produce, share, and masturbate to images that suggest adult-child intercourse to have anybody that does look at it registered as a sex offender or thrown in jail. Same with bestiality.


Most humans are animals and can't be trusted with absolute freedom. There are some laws that are necessary. Making things that blatantly promote child-adult sex illegal should be one of those laws.