Anonymous ID: 67f057 Dec. 26, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.4477926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2700


So you're ready to start mass censorship and destructon of art? interesting..

Didn't take long to go from stopping people who actually murder and eat children, to targeting people that like cute art which you find morally offensive.

What if somebody else finds images of people being tortured offensive, can we ban all images of Jesus on the cross for example? I personally find that kind of imagery offensive. but I doubt you would agree with that. selective moral outrage applied to law is tyrannical.

Pedovore, necrozoo, etc- are absolute cancers and need to be dealt with. People who actually love children and animals agree with that, and would gladly join you in cleaning things up, if you give them some recognition for having the self control to keep their interests to art, and would never kidnap and rape children or animals like the actual monsters that should be the primary target. there are good and bad people on /pone/ /fur/ /zoo/ etc

same with /delicious/ and similar boards. yes they do like something you don't, and yes some of it is absolutely disgusting, but having access to the art actually helps many people manage their urges without ever offending an actual person. there are likely people like that whom you know, and consider a good person because you dont know that about them.

I actually think we should rescind some of the restrictive laws on bestiality in cases where no harm is done. It used to be allowed in half the country, and now is almost gone. wtf? Washington state had a sensible law of 'no animals that weigh less than 50 lbs' until some guy got fucked by a horse and died.. I would advise against sex with animals that weigh more than 500 lbs.

If you support mass slaughter of animals for food, when you could get by eating all plants, you really dont have any moral high ground to justify making illegal (on threat of violence or theft of property if not worse, under the legal system) the posession of ART which doesn't even involve any actual animals. Seriously, do you want to make gay sex illegal also? how about oral sex? should sexual intercourse be entirely legislated and controlled by the state? should we need a procreation license to engage in sex, and then only for the purpose of adding new workers for the state?

how controlled do you want things to get?