Very good anon. The more we dig. The more we find. The further we progress. For example I skipped all panda symbology because its so ubiquitous. an anon found pic related on a page i skimmed back and forth. Other people will see things that can become obvious if pointed out or screencapped.
Its kind of frightening to consider my subconscious blocks these images out of my mind or for some reason its so familiar i just kept on scrolling like it was a picture of a vase with flowers in it.
Just found a panda picture worth screencapping. I am telling you there is something wrong with big fashon. I am talking mogul designers with embossed sholder pads . Shot callers. Big cheesy traveling assholes.
Found simular headdress man with knife and woman to slay. Not sure if its the same artist or more curiously a part of some kind of moloch headdress garb for these rituals like OBAMA wearing that shit. Y head?