Regarding adrenochrome and its apparent collection; I wonder if it is possible to extract blood from the back of the neck into the spine column w/ a syringe without having to murder the victim? Because that would outline what exactly is going on in a portion of the satanic ritual abuse allegations. Perhaps a cable tow is introduced hoodwinking the candidates of pain. If you are being lead by a cable tow it will ache in the back of the neck so maybe that is a way for them to hide the blood extraction whilst blindfolding victims. Potentially abusing other areas of the body while extracting adrenolized blood. But maybe that won't release the squirt they need for their addiction to torture hash. Doing this shit apparently in places w/ deadmouse strobe lights disorienting the victims as was the case in the skippy "fatherhood" video Maybe they make 20 sra victims terrified if they kill one out of every dozen or so kids they bring to the abuse areas.. maybe that explains over and over again reports of sra survivors having to witness children being murdered. Being made to watch and participate and eat cannibalism aswell! Regularly adrenochrome collection strangely enough is very possibly what huma and hillary clinton where doing over at comet pizza w/ james Rothschild/alefantis (adrenochrome mogul, supposedly the richest man on Earth)of course abusing them to the point of no return like hillary and huma did by wearing a child's face they filleted off of them in front of them. That seems like trying to peak terrify the victim before doing one of their masonic fatality gestures with an athame. Collecting the adrenolized blood via the back of the neck w/ a syringe. Then of course they will still gobble and pour blood on themselves. Adrenochrome gives the user a mania that can be described of as primal rage out of body experience. They are the wolves you see. Howling in the night.