Anonymous ID: f40477 Dec. 27, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.4496220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6277 >>7209

how to into instagram sleuthing

leads Take any screencap that you want to dig into. Its best to pick one from the thread or directly related to james alefantis etc in order to be in the swamp of art cultists. take the username and add it to the end of this url name goes here)

Now lets take this lead.

This account was noticed by an anon in a night bread around thanksgiving and it is very porous and a great starting point. You can middle mouse click (or open in a new tab) every person who liked a particular photo. then go to those tabs. Skim the first dozen or so photos. If it is normie shit close the tab. If it is symbolical satanic or this kind of "art" then keep that tab open. If it is normie shit with a photo of them lurching around a museum every 10 or so photos keep scrolling. They are posting normie shit to bury something most likely alarming performance art rich in masonic symbology.

From that page of likes we can see who has screencaps in this thread of his depraved satanic art. You will begin to understand the vastness of this. Now you can also use the comments and tags and captions tags etc to open in a new tab and see if its more cultists. About 60 percent of the accounts related to these art cliques are more hipster luciferians. Its epidemic and its hidden in plain sight

archiving online and offline

'offline archiving

You might want to rip the raw photos from the instagram. you can use 4kstogram free version if you are on windows or linux. You can use ripme.jar if you are on linux (and I think other os's aswell).

Also saving a screenshot with the name of the screenshot as the generated url is a good way to keep track of online and offline archival for each screencap. You will have to follow this link in order to learn how to archive instagram online because it has changed the css to where if you archive it archives a blank page without the photo or comments.

Anonymous ID: f40477 Dec. 27, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.4496277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6296


I also have these usernames from ripping lots of accounts. Its not even all the accounts I ripped pics from but its a lot of usernames and cultists. I only rip if it has symbology or screencappable shit.

Anonymous ID: f40477 Dec. 27, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.4496296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6301


I need to update these usernames but its just so fucking vast that I don't even know if these are as bad as the shit i have found since i screencapped these usernames