Efforts have grown increasingly acute across decades, all tiers of our Government inclusive, to abrogate Foundational Principles established by the Constitution through the passage of arbitrary laws by Legislators and in the selection of Judicial and Executive Appointments of similar arbitrary opinion which stand in direct contradiction to the Constitution.
Public Servants undermine National Sovereignty and Security through the personal acquisition of Foreign Residency.
The reduction to near meaninglessness the afore agree Laws We , the People embrace to limit the importation of Foreign Nationals which share not our Ideals and Principles.
The allowance of Foreign Nationals , who hold no Legal Standing of Citizenship, to actively participate in the elections of Government Representatives.
Abdication of designated Election authority We, the People ordained to Political Parties, Non-Governmental Organizations and Foreign Business Entities to the detriment of the Electorate’s Trust.
Executive and Legislative abdication of designated Health authority We, the People ordained to Private Organizations, International Entities or Foreign Nations whose motivations directly contrast our continued resolve for the wholesale betterment of our Society.
Legislative abdication of designated Monetary authority We, the People ordained to a Private Organization coercing National bankruptcy.
Legislative abdication of designated Lawmaking authority We, the People ordained to the Judiciary which intentionally frustrates recourse by We, the People.
Legislative abdication of designated Oversight authority We, the People ordained to the Executive and Judiciary ultimately decreasing the transparency required to achieve an Educated Electorate.
Wholesale abandonment of frugal Financial Management Policies ultimately to the detriment of Citizenry through punitive Taxation policies.
Suppression of Speech and Personal Freedoms utilizing Foreign Ideologies and Psychological Methodologies to debase the Electorate through the alteration of Laws We, the People embrace to safeguard National Communications.
Suppression of the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness under the auspices of Pandemic Emergency.
Suppression of Religious Freedom under the auspices of Pandemic Emergency.
Suppression of the Citizen’s Right of Protest under the auspices of Pandemic Emergency.
Suppression of the Citizen’s Right to be Secure in their Persons and Property under the auspices of Pandemic Emergency and alternatively, under the color of Greater Civic Need including National Security.
The allowance of wholesale Political manipulation throughout National Media supported by the lack of Legislative action pertaining to Slander and Libel reducing equitable treatment of all Citizens and , ultimately, the erasure of the Right to the Presumption of Innocence.