Thank you, Baker!
Not for food though.
I accept these burdens as the Republic bleeds.
Smelling like Tabac today. Dapper anon is dapper.
Waiting for the next unlock. Last one through my brain for a loop.
I'd buy some beers for Tyrus. Big bastard looks like he needs more than one.
Shit for brains
Quit your whining.
They're so demoralized right now that they can't even find the energy to spam like they used to. They know how fucked they are. Proper fucked.
They need to let Kilmeade off his leash. He's hungry for red meat.
It's like an angle grabs me and I go for it. Then when it's over I'm left confused and wondering why the fuck I did what I did. Oh well. I'm just going to go with it and explore it to its fullest.
Isn't it time to come up with a new copypasta, AFLB?
Removal of watermark would be my guess.
Is Bongino live or pre-recorded?
No putting the toothpaste back in the tube now. I shouldn't have shared personal details that no one wanted nor needed to know. The fuck is wrong with me? I need to breathe.