BidenIsAPedo ID: 972537 Aug. 14, 2022, 7:18 a.m. No.17393981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thanks Baker


So this was my email to Tik Tok 24 hours before all 6 of my accounts were all nuked at the same time. I archive them on waybackmachine so jokes on them. EVERY DAY you dumb fucks lmao. So anyways, read it, and maybe this will help you expand your thinking. Of course I'm talking shit but think about this real hard. 3 million views on Q drops this week guys….WINNING BIGLY, [THE WORLD IS WATCHING]


It has come to my attention that your employees or owner(s) seem to have a fetish with fucking with my profile…a pitcure of a frog and backgroun music is hateful behavior? How so? A video showing a Trump court document is harassment and bullying? How so? You guys are so stupid, the DOD pays attention to who fucks with my social media accounts. And all of your actions are recorded by the computer system you work in, and all of your actions illegally against my profile will be given up through subpoena. I have archived my profiles on waybackmachine. You can't erase my content. You still owe me money for stealing the revenue from my views, 32 million views since January 17th 2022. I've already caught employees manually violating my videos without user reports. I was given a live ban for someone else talking….I havent been able to be a guest in live since….I didnt even fucking do anything. Like who raised y'all to think its cool to ban accounts because they say stuff you're too stupid to figure out? Tik tok is going to go bankrupt from all the lawsuits it's going to be facing from the section 230 repeal. Stop fucking with my account, take the account warning off of it since your employees are being intentionally malicious to my accounts in particular. I dont see yall banning Aunt Karen for having an exposed titty out……..exactly.




aka DigitalSoldier17


The Department of Defense is watching you, keep fucking with my profile, it was your bait the entire time.