You. Hollywood. You’ve done things you still get sweats over. Everyday you worry that you’ll see your name here…or you’ll wind up like Michael, like Isaac, like Anne. You want out too but worry that can never happen. You know there’s at least one other Hollywood on this board and that scares you as much as makes you hopeful. you wish you could post too, but all you can do is lay awake nights and hope.
You. Doctor. Oh those student loans have you don’t they? And so does the pharma company with their freebies and the network your practice is part of. They call the shots now since you partnered with them. You are ever so careful with what you say to patients, but now and then one has more info than you do. You try not to look at the ‘security’ camera over your shoulder as you carefully hint your patient is correct. You’ve seen more than one medical pro on this board explaining the mechanics of the virus and the structure of the injections and you hope that you get out of all this without being sued into oblivion. Or worse.
You. Teacher. You’ve got your retirement tied up because you’re done. You’ve wondered why the administration and boards seemed to get stupider and stupider over the years, and gradually you came to know it was by design. To make the kids stupider and stupider. Kids, Lost. And alone. Like you have been feeling. You are more than ready for this early retirement and you are holding your breath till you’re away. Yeah you’ve held your breath. The gym teachers that ‘everyone knew about’. The kids being purposely dropped through the cracks. The breaking of boys. The guidance counselors pushing them in wrong directions. The school psychologists. The policies. Just please , please let you get out, that’s all.
You. ‘Journalist’. This is probably your last chance. To come clean. To whistleblow. You know full well this board is legit and Q knows where this is all going. Oh most of your colleagues will double down because they are in too deep, but you haven’t put your soul on the line so much. You might get out of this clean instead of being found guilty of treason. But you’d have to start blowing that whistle hard. Really hard.
You. Lurker. Shill. Paid antagonist. They don’t let you be here long enough to be affected by it- they cycle you out regularly. But you’ve been seeing some things that make you wonder if. Maybe. Nah, right? These Q idiots are all nutters, right? After all, you can type in a google search and all the major media sites say they are nutters. But you wondered this morning why Obama’s library of government docs he took home with him (but hasn’t yet built that library for), is ok, but Trump’s taking home his own documents isn’t. But no no. You hate Trump. You just don’t have precise answers if anyone asks you why you hate him. Your time here is up tomorrow anyway. Fast cash.
You. Mike. We know you can never get out - your deal is with the devil himself. But for the rest of you…Last chance, mother fuckers.