critical to notice because it notes Russian child sex trafficking investigators cooperating with an American Christian Missionary in the Eastern European nation of Romania named Jackie Walorski, who after returning to the United States and being elected to the US Congress, sponsored the “Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery Act of 2014”—and during the past year, the SVR notes in their file about US Congresswoman Walorski that she had been in contact with Hollywood actress Anne Heche, who during past year was making the movie “Girl In Room 13” about child sex slavery and trafficking.
Most ominously, this SVR report also references the scientific article “Radio Attack Lets Hackers Steal 24 Different Car Models” and the Washington Post article “What We Know About Car Hacking, The CIA And Those WikiLeaks Claims”, wherein it revealed: “Tucked into WikiLeaks’ analysis of a trove of documents allegedly from the Central Intelligence Agency is a stunning line: That the agency has looked into hacking cars, which WikiLeaks asserts could be used to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations”…In making its claim, WikiLeaks links to meeting notes from 2014 listing “potential mission areas” for the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch, which includes “Vehicle Systems” and “QNX”…Yoni Heilbronn, the vice president of marketing at Argus Cyber Security, an automotive security company, said: “The equation is very simple. If it’s a computer and it connects to the outside world, then it is hackable””—and as to if child sex trafficking investigators US Congresswoman Jackie Walorski and Hollywood actress Anne Heche were victims of the CIA murder device “QNX” able to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations” by taking control of a car to send it across roadways into traffic or speed it up to crash in a fireball explosion