Anonymous ID: fd2da2 Aug. 14, 2022, 6:30 a.m. No.17393846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3853 >>3884

"The Human Genome Has Been Poisoned; 1.25 billion women are carriers of a genetic mutation from the mRNA shots"



User ID: 83927587

United Kingdom

08/14/2022 02:01 AM:

"Germ line latent gene insertion via endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes, essentially it renders the children of the vaccinated infertile.


It doesnt render the person receiving the vaccination infertile, but the gene expression is activated in their childrens gametes, thus anybody vaccinated who doesnt already have children will never have grandchildren.


The elite already won, this is why the guidestones were blown, it was a signal, they sterilized 5 billion people and have reduced world population within 100 years to 1 billion, they will be celebrated as heroes in 50-100 years for saving the planet without nay a nuke ever being fired, this is the great reset.


This is why they are winding down food, fuel, and labour requirements, there is going to be a rapid shift in replacement rates over the next generation and they simply wont be needed.


Its not a theory, its a fact. Its testable right now, it just requires somebody do a gamete extraction on a fetus produced by a vaccinated individual, then try to use artificial insemination of the oocyte, it will fail 99.99% of the time. The children of the vaccinated are infertile.


This is why the mink were destroyed, it was tested on them and they have a much more rapid generational cycle, thus it could have been proven very quickly and affected the vaccine uptake, its already too late now, anybody who isnt reading between the lines wont realize for a generation at the earliest.


Its an IQ test… they have been leaving hints for those smart enough to know, if you know enough about the science (trust the science) and genetics they have been leaving hints this whole time. The vaccine stacks up in areas like the testes and the ovaries and especially the liver and is integrated in cellular dna by endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes that are involved in dna and cancer repair, a process they said cannot happen, which is converting rna into dna within the human body. There are already papers being published showing this process can happen in vitro in human liver tissue.


The elite played the plebs, they considered that this was the least inhumane and moral way to deal with the problem of billions of burdens/wasters on the planet. I cant help but admire how well they outsmarted most people, kind of proves the elite right, most people are idiots. Im not sure what other choice they had, imagine the war when the planet had 10 billion people on it fighting for scraps.


I suspect somebody will notice and fully research before the average human generation cycle is complete because artificial insemination will be used with eggs harvested from terminated/stillbirths etc.


Within a decade i suspect, it wont take the full 16-18 year period before people start noticing teenagers are not getting pregnant, by 2040 people area really know to know for sure.


It sounds mean, it sounds crazy, but they were telling us, they were leaving hints, dont get the vaccine, if you are too dumb to read between the lines, to pick up on the subtle hints that were being offered the elite consider you a part of the problem.


When the smart people saw videos of people passing out and rumors of death after vaccination you guys think that was a coincidence? no, they wanted smart people to go, huh, thats weird, and they even gave people 18 months to to do their own damned research, to come to their own conclusions, to educate themselves, and still people got the damned shots.


The eugenics of intelligence, natural selection via an artificial selection pressure, they selected for intelligence, if people were dumb enough to get the shots after everything they saw, then the elite considered them fair game, they were too dumb to be allowed to continue to procreate.


I'm not even mad, they kind of have a point, the mouthbreathers were going to doom us all.


<Why did they target primarily western nations?>

Easier logistics, the next phase is a siege on the third world so to speak, this is what the energy and food crisis and cost of living issue is about, most of the developed world exists on the equiv of about 2 dollars per day, if they increase that threshold they are going to make third worlders desperate and the logistics of getting shots in actual arms at the numbers they need are much easier.




Anonymous ID: fd2da2 Aug. 14, 2022, 6:33 a.m. No.17393853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3865



Its way harder to get rural villages to take 90% vaccinations when its in an isolated rural part of the world, with westerners a bit of fear and vaccination centers in cities most people will come to you, if you want to get shots in arms in the third world, you've gotta make people come to you, because you dont have the resources to track everybody down.


This is why they are all on board, all the big leaders, all of em, this is why some of them stood down, job done. They know we are in real big fucking trouble if the world population is close to 10 billion post 2050. They have to get that down to a billion or less to give the human race a chance, the other alternative was the genocide of 7+ billion people in 50 years..


Mass sterilization was seen as the more ethical option.


better 5 or 6 billion sterilized now than 9 billion dead in nuclear hellfire within 50 years.


The way they see it is their families keep their dynasties, only the smart survive and the resources are plentiful for the next couple of centuries, they dont need to mass labour anymore with automation.


They see it as an intelligence test, if you failed, you got your lineage destroyed without any real suffering. These people are going to be celebrated as heroes in 100 years for saving the human race and the planet.


Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase]

Quoting: Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line"


I think they consider the plan in the critical stages now, the most dangerous for them*, the uptake is not high outside of the west, so the current crisis ongoing such as attacks on foods, logistics and energy are designed to push the needy of the third towards high vaccine uptake without them having to go village by village, arm by arm, this may be under the guise of covid or perhaps another disease, but the outcome is the same, they want third worlders to rush to get shots, perhaps as an vaccination for food program or something as famine bites, im not entirely sure.


*if this plan doesnt go well, its bad for the elite, and they will switch to plan b or c, they want this plan a to work because if it doesnt the resource drain on the west will continue as the third world will rapidly outbreed the west, and become an accelerated burden as the wests population rapidly declines and the west will lose numerical advantage in a war/violence front rapidly, this is the plan b/c critical nexus point, war is the backup plan in which potentially weapons of mass destruction could then be used on the third world to get the population down enough.. i suspect they think they dont need this as the vaccine program will work as they tighten the noose with artificial famine, if that fails they'll tighten the noose more and kill with conventional wars and a worse famine. plan c is a wort case scenario , i think they have guaranteed they dont need plan c in the west now, so they are 50% done. They are just at a critical point in the grand plan."


The gametes are contaminated in the children of the vaccinated, maybe you could make artificial oocytes using stemcells, fertilize those in vitro, implant them and grow them in the womb of the infertile.


Im not sure.


You cant make chickens if every egg is smashed as soon as its laid.


What do we do if the worlds population is 10 billion by 2050, and 15 billion by 2100? are you familiar with the Behavioral sink experiments by John Calhoun?


Is it truly unethical if the elite tell us indirectly not to take the vaccine, it will sterilize your children, and you still take the vaccine? Isnt that a better option than letting the nukes fly?





Anonymous ID: fd2da2 Aug. 14, 2022, 8:45 a.m. No.17394229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4230


how do you miss the most blatant safety signal in vaccine history?


the trick, it would appear, is to ignore your own guidelines and never even look for it

what’s worse than not having a helmet when playing football?


thinking you have one when you don’t.


it’s the worst of all worlds: the illusion of safety where there is none. you are trusting in protection that does not exist.


you will tackle head first and the be shocked when you spill your brains all over the gridiron.


this is why actually following safety procedures is so vital and why our public health regulators have lost so much credibility:


the CDC has become a helmet made of cheap, walmart easter bunny grade chocolate.


and it’s getting us all hurt.


THIS is a dazzling story and a great find using FOIA to force the CDC to disclose its process. if cats wore hats, i would doff mine to josh. this is even more stunning than when the CDC admitted (also under FOIA) that they did not have a single RCT supporting mask use to stop covid.


josh published THIS piece back in sept 2021. it uses the CDC’s own published methodology to assess the VAERS data for covid vaccines. the results were unequivocal.


josh writes:


After that article was published, I urged CHD’s legal team to submit a FOIA request to the CDC about its VAERS monitoring activities.


Since CDC officials stated publicly that “COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring is the most robust in U.S. history,” I had assumed that at the very least, CDC officials were monitoring VAERS using the methods they described in a briefing document posted on the CDC website in January 2021 (and updated in February 2022, with minor changes).


I was wrong.


the crux of the issue is this:


the CDC uses PRR (proportional reporting ratio) itself a questionable and limited method of acting as canary in the vaccine coal mine to seek out safety signals.


this is their own text.


proportional reporting ratio prr

but, when asked about it under FOIA, this was their response: (red box mine)


not only did they not perform the safety monitoring they were supposed to. at all. but they go on to claim that doing so is outside their purview and suggest asking the FDA instead. (who does not do this work, it’s supposed to be the CDC.)


this is just stunning.


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what a complete and total fail and abrogation of duty and diligence.


either “most robust in US history” was a complete and total fabrication or wow have we been running around totally unprotected for decades. which one fills you with confidence?


fake politicized health agencies providing fake political science and selective safety practice tailored to suit industry and policy are killing us. literally.


claiming to have missed this is like pretending not to have heard a bad bunny concert going on right behind you in a library.


quite literally any other vaccine in history would have been pulled off the market for 1/100th of this.


this is either egregious dereliction of duty or and outright lie in FOIA response.


they either did not do the analysis because they knew what they’d find if they did




they did do the analysis and are hiding it because of what it showed and the fact that they could never justify inaction in the face of it.


there is simply no plausible case that they “forgot” or “did not think it was important” or “saw no reason to use resources on it.”


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this is brass band in your bedroom kind of obvious.


and it means we cannot trust these agencies.


and that means something has to change.


FOIA is a great and useful check on government, but it is FAR too limited and far too slow. you not only need to know exactly what you’re looking for and the responses are often incomplete and redacted, but the delays can run into months and years. as we have so often seen of late, a great deal of mischief can be worked in that time.


it’s time we did away with the need for FOIA in science because FOIA is a sign of closed cloisters, not open inquiry. the deliberations of the CDC, FDA, and public health agencies should ALL be open and open source.



Anonymous ID: fd2da2 Aug. 14, 2022, 8:45 a.m. No.17394230   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the data should be available to everyone and the studies, surveys, models, and methods should all be public. this is “we the people’s” science, not the private preserve of a technocratic clerisy.


we need to see in real time what’s happening, not pry bits and pieces of it out a year later. that’s how you generate and assure the best information to inform policy and choice.


This is Fine. - 3D model by msanjurj (@msanjurj) [49efaa2]

i understand how those weaned on credentialism and deference to authority and authorities may be hesitant to trust their safety to swarm sourced public analysis, but consider the alternative:


the agency whose specific purview and policy was to monitor this data just told you that everything was fine and their diligence the most robust in history while failing to do even the most rudimentary first pass work they were supposed to. they not only missed but misled about what is probably the single most severe safety signal in pharmaceutical history.


and then they said “not my job.”


the real responsibility for safety must always reside with us and to enable the citizenry to make good choices, they need full and unfettered access to the data.


let the sunshine in.


the society you save may be your own.


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Anonymous ID: fd2da2 Aug. 14, 2022, 8:47 a.m. No.17394235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1 min vid


43yo Vaxxed Presstitute Editor Of "MEDSCAPE" Is Dead. He Even Vaxxed His 1yr Old Daughter