The Circus has arrived!
Well, they are finally here! Barry and Brandon’s 3 Ring Government Circus in support of the NWO!
Come and see the show! (ELP comes to mind)
In ring 1, we have the Jugglers, the DOJ…… you know, the people that have so many balls in the air that they can’t hold their own Democratic/Liberal/Socialistic/Commie party accountable for their crimes against America (and drop those balls), but are even willing to lie, cheat and steal to make any Republican look guilty, even if not or nor accountable!
And in ring 3, you have the Lions, and Elephants, Donkeys and Rhinos. You know, the Congressional Branch, that are more interested in making money for themselves, than for the Americans that voted for them. And by the way, they also lie, cheat and steal to get you votes……because if you ever knew what they were doing (with your money), you would NEVER VOTE for them!
And in the center ring, you have the Executive Branch clowns complete with the Biggest Clown ever elected as a Potato. We all know he is being directed by a third term (666) Prez and George a Commie Nazis, but Joe, hasn’t been wanting to make a comment on their behave but you know it is going to make you laugh and not that’s not what they really wanted! Pity his head is soft and you know, the apple never falls far from the tree. All these congressional people think that they will be better off with the NWO which they have sold their souls (and ours) for riches, power and sex.
But they know not God! And they know not Q. And we all know what C comes before D really means and its coming……
And I am Comfy AF knowing that God wins! Enjoy the show as the Circus come to town!
Thanks to all of the Anons who helped me!