Thank you, Baker!
Show us how it's done please.
So which one of the team are you?
Fake or Gay?
Good Fake and Bad Gay, or vice versa?
You're like that one politician from 300. You know, the one that betrayed his country.
What makes you think you see further than anons and have to push dozens upon dozens of shit memes made without logic? I'm genuinely curious. Why are you trying to force a topic and paint the breads a certain way?
and you are the prophet of the vatican downfall
yada yada yada
how long until your persona cracks?
But you're not whining, are you? You're using a different tact. I'm not the only one that can see it and have called you out on it. You keep pretending you're an incognitotard while we laugh at you.
You don't shill very good. Posted nothing but negativity. Show us where the SmokingPepe hurted you.
I talk to everyone. I've just been focusing on the shills the past few months and making them lose their cool. It's easy and fun.
It's starting to sink into their thick skulls that they actually are going to face charges of treason.
I don't know why but I'm actually looking forward to hearing Shimkus' voice in an hour and a half. Her voice is directly proportional to her looks. Monitoring Faux is so boring on the week-ends.
>>And you have the audacity to not shitpost for my amusement?
Hey, Anime. Guess what?
Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?
Rhythmic, cult-like chanting. She sounds like a cheerful person. KEK!
>I just want some answers that's all
I hope not. No one needs to see my penis.
It might be more entertaining if you switched back to red text.
The cake is a lie
Hey, Griff Jenkins. What did you bring back from the Ukraine?
Suss Singman made her daily appearance.
Good morning, shit stain.
Does this meme make my ass look fat?
You know, if Joe Rogan never filled his head with YouTube bro science and stoner logic he might not have been angry with how we communicate "in puzzles."
How I'm going to picture the shills today.
That was then, this is now. The spam attacks back then were nowhere near what they are now. It's just a captcha, don't be weak.
Hippity hoppity
Why do you always inhale when I fart?
>When we're done, anon going to Italy to pick a wife.
Gonna get me one from the good 'ol US of A when everything is all said and done.