The Kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the Gospel.
"The Kingdom of God is at hand":
This means open your fucking eyes, Gods kingdom is right under your nose!
How to repent:
1) fall to your knees, humble yourself, evil ones cannot humble themselves
2) apologize, confess your sins, promise to make amends, and promise to make better choices in the future
3) ask for forgiveness for all your enumerated sins and then some
4) ask God to make His will known to you so that you may walk in the light and be lead out of the darkness
How to believe in the Gospel.
Read the bible, specifically the teaching of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus have been analyzed to death and some have triple or quadruple meanings. Study them, and wrap your limited human brains around them. If you begin to understand 1% of it, you'll feel a change inside yourself.
I'm not saying you must join the catholics with the flesh eating and blood drinking. I'm saying you should beg the one true God for forgiveness. His time is extremely fucking nigh.
Ready to sign up for Gods army? Find a church, any church, get baptized, and be reborn as a solider of Christ.
Or don't, its only your immortal soul that's at stake. That is, if you believe in such things. If you don't believe in such things, adios.