Anonymous ID: 2ff1ee Aug. 15, 2022, 3:41 p.m. No.17399756   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17398580 LB

I was struggling with this today. I have vax injured sons and have been screaming to the top of my lungs for over a decade about vaccines. I knew this was coming, but somehow I just blocked it out. I'm beyond sad and angry. My daughter's friend died this week @27 years old. He was a good young man in Optometry school. On Friday, my mechanic told me about his neighbor's son who is dead at 32. He told me he has multiple customers that suddenly have blocked arteries. I heard from a family member about a friend with a blood clot in her lung. My childhood friend has a blood issue that they can't identify. ALL of this in the last month. Yes, I think the illnesses are accelerating. Sorry for any typos- bad eye day. Prayers of comfort for us all on this board and healing for those that are ill.