bacon monologues prove HOm00
syrup suckers HOm00cides sends strong protests up moose jockeys frigate backchannel
only 11 flap jawed uncle fuccas hurt
to much nail suckin in teh Quebec fo sho
will syrup suckin moose jockey backchannel frigates ever man+date a foreigner ?
lot lizard turns in fake juw colon blow to moose riders suckin syrup
dtroit crack prices feel threatened by new wave of genocidal denial spam from bigoted tweakers
syrup suckin moose jockeys announces 'we too damn high to be betrayin cucks'
queer flesh trafficker demands syrup suckin moose jockeys to protest cucks getting high
Dominican republic catches flap jawed cucks smuggeleing
queer flesh trafficker drug addict reccomends opium pandemics
>queer flesh trafficker drug addict reccomends opium pandemics
detroit crack prices demands more fake busts to promote genocidal denial spam seo whine
canada caught in a freebase situation
Frudeau sends emergency juw kilos feels fill
queer flesh trafficker idol send fake juw kilo noises
arkansas crack dealer still tries to fill freebase void in queer flesh trafficker idol's back channel
Frudeau so full of caca
pass laws for free jenkem
jenkem war breaks out on streets from offices above opium pandemic spamming genocidal blaphemies
new spacce age sex toy gets ready for first shipment to mars
moses hoax gets caught red handed in the freebase
flesh trafficker idol braks the freebase code of crack spamdemic over opiod spamdimoium during cuck fest
>moses hoax gets caught red handed in the freebase
hans gruber still mad he homo'd truckers
>hans gruber still mad he homo'd truckers
crackhead feels persecuted for cookin Frudeau's crack during detroit crack prices high
freebase rally supports moose riders syrup suckin rights
freebase cucks just want to freebase rally
clinton crack tries to fish for glee
38 million flap jawed syrup suckin moose riders need $2billion dollar freebase shipments >>17399422
united states indicts chinks for feedin moose riders poison
fake juw kilos cause protests from syrup suckers
boyscouts almost stab juwpacabra to death
that's almost $10 of drugs per flap jawed syrup suckin moose rider
old tranny still makes duke call him mommy for allowance
fake juw kilos invade DuPont juw wonderland that wall is almost $100 of drugs per citizen
>According to the FBI, in 2021 there were 337,195 NCIC entries for missing children*. In 2020, the total number of missing child entries into NCIC was 365,348.
In 2018, there were 228 million cases of malaria worldwide and 405,000 deaths
even the dune buggy had a perfect landing