what about the pedophiles black hats and brock shills ?
literally anyone going to jail at this point is a win
if nothing happens tommorow thats bad lol
mods are mass banning people on there lol
nobody seems to have noticed
maybe its part of the plan but i doubt it lol..
.love them to death
i pity them
cant be fun being a sick fuck whos dead on the inside
dunno if i pity hillary tho
so to play devils advocate here
how does that work when twitter facebook insta any platform censors our posts
i talked to the mods on there a bunch too and they insta banned me for askign for A Q proof sticky
its a seriously problem if half of the movement is on a comped board
tbh that would be more damaging than unredacted
people will wonder what the hell they took out
somehow twitter has not touched me
i think its cuz i follow liberals and conservatives
you all might wanna try it
this better
why dont we all make twitters or use anonymous ones make a thread
and upvote each others posts
that would be better than doing it alone