Anonymous ID: d3105b June 13, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.1740416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo clears the air: No sanctions relief for North Korea until 'complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization'


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held a press conference with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts Thursday morning in Singapore to elaborate on the post Trump-Kim summit strategy for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. Pompeo called the Singapore meetings between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un an enormous opportunity and turning point for advancing North Korea's relations with the U.S., its neighbors in Asia, and the rest of the global community.


Pompeo reiterated that both leaders are committed to complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization before adding that the process would involve considerable coordination with Japan and South Korea. When pressed by a reporter on what makes this round of negotiations different from the past, Pompeo said that previous mistakes all stemmed from providing economic relief — relief from United Nations sanctions — too early. "The sequence will be different this time," he stated.


"Chairman Kim understands the urgency of the timing of completing this denuclearization," Pompeo continued "Sanctions relief cannot take place at such time until we can determine denuclearization is complete."


Pompeo also addressed a tweet that came from the president as he was leaving Singapore, a tweet which urged Americans to "feel much safer" as there "is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea."


Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018


He said the president's statement was made with "all eyes open." The secretary of state admitted that negotiations could potentially break down before adding that the administration is still continuing toward a goal of CVID.



Anonymous ID: d3105b June 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.1740568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0586 >>0641 >>0688

Mexican presidential front-runner says NAFTA collapse would be OK


Mexican presidential front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that his country would get along fine economically if the North American Free Trade Agreement were to collapse, an indication that the leftist former mayor of Mexico City was edging away from his prior campaign assurances that he would not try to undermine the 1993 trade deal.


"I am going to suggest that the treaty remains, but (the end of NAFTA) cannot be fatal for Mexicans, our country has a lot of natural resources, a lot of wealth," he said in a presidential debate held late Tuesday in the city of Merida. Obrador has a long history of being critical of international trade deals but had previously sought to allay concerns that his election would negatively impact NAFTA, which is broadly popular in Mexico.


Polls have consistently shown Obrador holding a solid lead in the race. Tuesday's debate was the last between the major candidates before the July 1 vote.


His comments came as talks on renegotiating the trade deal have hit an impasse. The White House had hoped to complete a deal and have it sent to Congress by mid-May in order to meet the deadlines imposed by the Trade Promotion Authority law and to head-off the Mexican election, but the trading partners could not reach agreement. That means any re-negotiations are unlikely to be concluded until next year, if at all, by which time Amador could be president.


The rockiness of the situation was seen on Sunday, when Trump trade policy adviser Peter Navarro said there was a "special place in hell" for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The White House was steamed over Trudeau saying Canada "will not be pushed around" on tariffs after he and President Trump appeared at the G-7 summit. Navarro later apologized for the remarks.


Obrador has long been viewed with suspicion by the business community and free trade advocates, with many comparing him to Latin American socialists like the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The candidate sparked concern last year when he called for the Mexican government to postpone any NAFTA negotiations until after this year’s presidential election. “Any unfair trade deal can be revised by the Mexican government,” he warned at the time.


He subsequently moderated his tone on trade and NAFTA, saying that he would honor a deal negotiated by the outgoing administration and named several prominent trade economists as advisors. Critics charged he was only doing so because the NAFTA deal is widely seen as having contributed to the Mexico's prosperity. Obrador has been a staunch critic of Trump as well.



Anonymous ID: d3105b June 13, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.1740665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0717 >>0730

Mark Warner: 'I was embarrassed' by Trump's G-7 behavior


Following President Trump’s appearance at the G-7 summit and insults of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said the president’s actions made him “embarrassed for our country.”


"I was embarrassed that an American president acted that way, particularly when Canada and other nations were responding to the actions that Mr. Trump had taken,” Warner said during an episode of the Politico Money podcast.


“I was frankly embarrassed, embarrassed for our country,” he added. “This is not the way America leads and the way America has led the world through Democratic and Republican administrations since the second World War.”


Trump left the G-7 summit, held last week in Quebec, early, but caused a stir when he tweeted derogatory comments about Trudeau.


Following Trump’s departure from the gathering, Trudeau held a press conference and threatened retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. in response to the steel and aluminum tariffs imposed on Canada by the Trump administration.


Trudeau’s comments prompted an attack from Trump, who tweeted Trudeau was “meek and mild” during G-7 meetings and accused the prime minister of being “very dishonest and weak.”


Warner went on to criticize Trump for claiming the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada and warned false statements from the president could have lasting implications. According to figures from the Department of Commerce, the U.S. ran a trade surplus of nearly $2.8 billion with Canada in 2017.


“The president does not have much connection with factual reality, and the fact that he has created this norm where he can say anything even when it’s not factually true, I think that does long-term damage in terms of the president’s credibility with a lot of Americans and, obviously, his credibility with a lot of our allies,” he said.


Warner also weighed in on Trump’s recent summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, from which the president returned to Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.


After meetings between the U.S. and the North Koreans, Trump and Kim signed a joint statement outlining four pledges, including that North Korea will commit to working toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.


The president told reporters after the summit he agreed to stopping joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea, and said Pyongyang committed to dismantling a missile engine testing site, though neither promise was included in the joint declaration.


Warner said he believes Trump gave up more than the North Korean dictator.


“One thing we do know is that North Korea came out a real winner. North Korea, which has been aspiring to have a meeting with a U.S. president on an equal footing since the end of the Korean War, achieved its goal. They had that international prestige raising for Kim Jong Un,” he said. “In terms of the United States and the West, I think the jury is out. The North Koreans made, I wouldn’t even call it an agreement, but they made vague promises similar to promises that have been made in prior agreements. Whether they will honor them or not, time will tell.”



Anonymous ID: d3105b June 13, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.1740766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House votes to ban sale of child sex robots


The House unanimously passed a bill Wednesday that would prohibit the sale or transportation of child sex dolls in a push to curb pedophilia.


The CREEPER Act, sponsored by Rep. Dan Donovan, R-N.Y., was passed by a voice vote Thursday. The bill earned bipartisan support and had 33 co-sponsors, including Donovan.

“Right now, a few clicks on a computer can allow a predator to order a vile child sex doll, Donovan said in a statement. “This is not only disturbing – but also endangers the most innocent among us. Once an abuser tires of practicing on a doll, it’s a small step to move on to a child.” “My bill takes necessary steps to stop these sickening dolls from reaching our communities,” Donovan continued. “We must protect children from those who wish them harm. I thank House leadership for bringing this important legislation to the floor, and I implore the Senate to swiftly move it forward.”


Donovan's bill notes that child-like sex dolls are "customizable or morphable" and can resemble actual children. Most dolls are made in China, Japan, or Hong Kong and are shipped to the U.S. as mannequins to avoid detection in mail.


The legislation states that there is a correlation between owning obscene dolls and robots and participation in child pornography.


If the CREEPER Act passes the Senate and is signed into law, the U.S. would follow the likes of Australia and the United Kingdom in taking actions to ban sex robots.


The New York Republican was a federal prosecutor for 20 years before his election to Congress in 2015. He is facing a high-profile primary challenge from former Rep. Michael Grimm, who served seven months in prison after a conviction on a felony count of tax evasion.



Anonymous ID: d3105b June 13, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.1740859   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's up to Mexico to decide who they want to lead their country and I have a feeling running for office their is risky business in itself if you are not connected to the cabal, so for now this man is willing to step up and take a chance, who knows maybe someone else will muster up the courage to stand against the corruption and run for the office.