Morning anons…
They are boxed in and checkmated…
Will they arrest DJT? Nuke Russia? Start a war w/China?
Believe me they are trying ALL THESE THINGS…
White hats in control…
Morning anons…
They are boxed in and checkmated…
Will they arrest DJT? Nuke Russia? Start a war w/China?
Believe me they are trying ALL THESE THINGS…
White hats in control…
great work on this…
great work on Konnech…
Every time this anon thinks we are at the end which will be a new beginning, we learn moar. The rubber band wound about as tight as it can go now. We are close to the end/begin which I can the FLIP.
We may need help and get it from the Sun. What I the most obvious physical representation of GOD you see everyday? Do you think that object has the capacity to help us? It does for it is an expression of GOD.
We have all been invaded by bacteria and parasites. No joke. We consider this NORMAL. It isNOTnormal.
God made us special. We are different than the beasts and the plants of the earth. When weFELLwe became LIKE THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH and we behave like them now.
Understanding how we feel super duper important. Understanding how we RISE BACK UP even moar important…
All that and moar when we FLIP THIS SHIT…