Q said it's not R vs. D more than once. GOP and dems shall be replaced with transparent multi-party platforms. Independent is really the only way to shuck the uniparty system that plagues us.
Suicide by vaxx? It would be fitting if they pushed a killswitch on the weekend.
Crooks cooking the books. 90% of their inventory is chinese junk. Nobody wants that!
The economy will skip over depression from recession and go straight to sunk
>ff shooting
Sauce it. Anon has seen nothing. One theory is that they can send out 'personalized' news that only (you) see.
>oath to defend the constitution
The elite must've written their own constitution that calls for the destruction of America. This way, when they claim to want to uphold their oath, they are telling a version of their truth.
Just rig up an EMP box to kill the ECM if shit's starting to go awry.
Kek. Different spots in different vehicles. Know where they are so you can snuff them if the need arises
Better than taking the chance of it zombifying and ending you.
Walmart's dismal outlooked saved by the rich, who will now ship there since middle-class and poorfags cannot afford to
Remember a few weeks ago when Wall mart posted bleak numberz? Well, it's all going according to plan now that they will have a section of the populace that were used to never crossing their threshold. The rich will be willing to pay $20 for a gallon of milk because they won't have to look at any plebs while they shop.
Cali number in D.C. so it's Pelosi.
Kek. Volcanoes produce more soot than their 'scary' bombs. They can't even try harder.
Anon finds it funny becaus see their scare tactics have the reverse effect on him. Knee-slappers, they are with their mythical 'soot'