…Yup. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/geomagnetic-storm-watch-issued-suns-ejections-could-disrupt-gps-communications/
>Where would these servers be stored?
…Space would be a great place. Satellite servers. Hmmmm.
…Better make more coffee. Fuck.
>tell me how I'm wrong
…Saturn = El. The entirety of the 'story' is an astronomical allegory. Been through this shit, before. Regurgitating archaic scripture without proper context, like an NPC, doesn't help. Comparative mythos from other cultures, revealing the patterns and understanding the symbolism (record of events; a picture worth a thousand words). I'm wasting my time, with ignorant assholes, like you.
Fort Trašte
…Hours of watching documentaries finally paid off. One of those 'oh shit, seen't this, before' moments.