Did Wray sign a FISA application to continue spying on Trump and staff?
Extra-Large Flack Jacket.
Who's Jesus?
You have a weird way of reading, must be the combo of having bitch ears, bitch eyes, and bitch brain; tragic.
Who the fuck is Jesus? Cause the real guy's name is different.
Why do Christians believe in "Jesus" when the real guy has an actual name?
Once you realize you believe in a corrupted religion, what do you do? Keep using "Jesus?"
His name IS NOT Jesus.
Jesus IS the name the ROMANS made up for the real guy.
The reason why you know "jesus" and not "Yeshua" is because of grammar.
Hebrew -Aramaic -> Greek -> Latin(Roman).
Yeshua -Yehoshua -> Iesous -> Jesus
Now you know. You still using the creation of the Roman church? Or, will you refer to the real person's name?
Sure, "it's the same," and other excuses to "deny His name"!