Why you picking on Mikey? He wrote 2 books on Q, intelligent, and very good on noticing how scams are portrayed as false flags. Just because he's a Roth doesn't make him out to be a bad person. Children get tired of their families antic's to you know. Bah. Only thing I'll say in your defense you brought more attention to the Q. Purposely.
They don't have to land. Just look up.
Why do you think they act out this? Why do you think they hate him soo much to actually ACT it out and possibly sacrifice someone? Just a thought…maybe they know they can't win and they do everything they can to pretend they do. They hate who he is and what he stood for. You have freedom to love him or not but he really wants his family with him. Making funny haha is a step closer because he is in your thoughts. Not here to preach just here to say, it's a start.