(not sure how to add a Rumble link)
and now introducing Anthony Sabatini
running for U.S.Congress in Florida
served 4 years in Florida State Legislature
army veteran
says states have the ability to kick Feds out
wants states to pass legislation to enforce the 10th Amendment
Feds cannot act within a state without permission of the state
alex jones august 16, 2022 anthony sabatini interview
begins at: 1:32:00
outlaw the Democrat Party in every state
revoke their corporate charters
"encourages criminal activity"
"ignores laws that protect U.S. Citizens"
"acts as an adversary of the Constitution"
after all, when the DNC was sued in Florida
the judge ruled that as a corporation
the Democrat Party could nominate whomever it wished
and in whatever manner it wished
to be a candidate for any office
the lawsuit was about cheating Bernie out of votes
btw ActBlue was also the central donation point
for the Green Party
and I believe ActBlue was allowed to disperse funds
as it saw fit to disperse them
2016 was the year that HRC took state donations
and used them for her own campaign
I forget the details now
Q team must be busy
could try a fukin phone chat board
might need to go back to factory settings
take it to a phone repair shop
they can train you about how to protect your device
ask repairman how to D-google your phone
Maloney has a noticeably bad lip job.
Maybe she went to a shill plastic surgeon.
Maybe she said the wrong thing to said surgeon.
Maybe she got lip job in Mexico.
Whatever the problemโฆ
is a bad lip job.
Now everybody knows
Maloney is AN INGRATE
and she just got a lip job
a bad lip job