Morning anons…
-Ukraine is trying to cause a nuke incident by shelling that giant nuke power plant. The US is saying NOTHING. Russia is reporting it and providing data to the UN
-Russia is preparing for tribunals = nuremberg like trials for the actions of NATO/US crime families/DNC in Ukraine
-the SON is blasting us with wonderful energies
-the Schumman is doing some unique shit (probably due to the SON)
-Liz the witch LOST
Question: We know an "event" is inbound…the event might end up being a slow drip but I think not. Our minds have to be ready, we have to be at the proper level of awareness, and then an event will be like the icing on the "wake up" cake. Do you general sense folks are WAY more awake than they were in 2014? The drip drip has caused us all to be uber aware and way more skeptical of leaders and gov.
So what will the "event" be?
Biblical, scientific, and what I am seeing health wise all line up around THE SUN
And the SON is doing some anomalous shit right now…I mean RIGHT NOW…