Man that last post in the last bread was like an ANTIFA drive by shooting. What shit communist narrative.
believe it or not I started trying to clone the NASA photo, but my program don't work, so I tried a number of alternatives and well, then I just started liking the colors and forgot all about NASA.
all of us are children of woman (if your on earth), and god.
Bless even the enemy. surround them with Green Love Smoke, then say.
I'm sorry
I forgive you
I love you
cut the smoke off at the door way or some border and send the image tumbling out into space as you breath that prana up over your head and exhale below your feet.
The reason you can do this is even though they are evil when they wake up they try to be the best evil they can just like a flower grows towards the sun, it's not their fault they conflict. But that's no excuse to become their vicitim either, it's just knowing they get up in the morning and unlike your prayer/blessing they curse and to their best to fuck up.
You are simply re-writing the memory segment on them in your subconscious.
then letting it go.
An edit.
You can also peel posts you don't like off the screen and send them into space this way too.
surround post you don't like with green smoke of love, then peel them off the screen (think of it like a rip, tear, snap and send them tumbling out into space behind the other things you just sent. See if maybe more things don't show up as you do this)
don't forget
I'm sorry
I forgive you
I love you
>but who is at the top
why not just say, so we can judge for ourselves if we agree or not?
Oh right I'm opening a pdf from you.. who keeps saying MAGA PATRIOTS gona do this gona do that.
no thanks
I know what a beacon is, I know what a track and trace is, I know what a worm is, I know what a virus is, I collect them.
715b79 /dev/null
Shart smelling State Department Propaganda.
Dollar Vigilante (I bet he knows ho'oponopono) been sayin this is horse shit for awhile.
There's Cartel violence in the NARRATIVE cause I posted about 10 fucking videos on that shit last night.
and all the state dept does is READ my post.
There's NOW Enhanced Cartel Violence the Hillary Clinton's State Department just said.
Let's Think about this.
disconnected pelosi sends me this.
But I don't live in your fucking shithole nancy. That's why I accused you of treason, propaganda, terrorism, theft, and mRNA genocide
Lincoln project has lots of Facts and Opinions, none of it is right.
Breathing in that good ass prana bay-bee
raising the frequency
raising the vibration
Take that Take that Take that
Caught my eye.. 97% vax = worse sick
Waterford Crystal it's famous, probably some of you reading have the blessing of a piece or two.
Tommy's Garage (08-19-2022 political fun)
Watching Tommy’s Garage Is Like Watching Liz Cheney Lose, Only Better
>Jumping In Front Of Trucks For The Latest TikTok Challenge
15 Gays to slow the spread
don't forget to social distance 6 to 8 inches
RIP Stelter
the frequency counter you need costs thousands
Be right back after I own it.