LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:09 a.m. No.17419498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Perhaps we do need "People of Light" PoL.


People of European descent, of non-mixed, non-Jewish heritage, who are distinct from North African, and Middle Eastern populations, and those of their descent in genetic lineage.


People of Light.

The ascendant race.. that has recently lost its way (and is nor mortally threatened) thanks to the propaganda shoved down its throat by others, who have a burning desire to see the PoL harmed, if not destroyed.. certainly disenfranchised.


All the wise PoL want, is for each people to have their space, and self-rule upon it. But such a desire, although fine for every other human group to realise, is considered verboten by the people programmed to hate the PoL, and their rights.


But the PoL must battle through this regardless. Importantly awakening their own people to the rightness of each group being protected, not just everyone but the PoL.


That the PoL have no penance to pay, for most of the allegations made against them are mere fabrications, and in any case, there have been no unique crimes committed, and punishing the PoL would not bring more goodness into the world at all.. just extinguish it.


How people can campaign for the protection of the habitat of the Siberian Tiger, and then be ok with "White Nations for everybody" beggars belief, but is the result of severe brainwashing.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17419539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9579

The idea that a group of people, need to treat other groups of people, at war with them, as a collection of individuals, rather than a group, is preposterous.


It is an idea with precisely one purpose. To prevent successful resistance of the first group against the other. To place in front of it an insurmountable hurdle that allows them to be easily defeated and conquered.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17419572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9620


>I don't care if someone is Jewish or not.


That is well and good for you. But your position is anti-White, and by that, I mean anti- "person of European descent who is unmixed, genetically distinct from North African and Middle Eastern populations and non-Jewish".


And so you, and people thinking like you, are rightfully rejected.


Your thinking offers nothing but harm to the people described above, as it does not let those people separate from the people who historically have done them immense harm, and are doing immense harm to them today, whose very orientation is toward doing the group described above, immense harm.


Labels are not important. The things being labeled do not change regardless of what word forms are connected to them.


We are talking of two distinctly different groups. One group, is not a one to one match with eh other group, and so can be distinguished.


One group harms the other. The other then has a right to separate from it. If you are against that separation, you are against the group being harmed.


Which is ok, it is your choice to be on the side of doing harm to whoever you like…


And to deny it to yourself or others as much as you like.


And we will take out actions based upon yours, and categorise you based upon yours.


Anti.. us. And so enemy, not friend.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.17419627   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>You must be a Jew if you keep insisting that Jews aren't White.


You deny the peoplehood of non-Jewish Whites, by refusing to accept they are unique, or supply them with a unique signifier.


Race, by definition, allows the differing human groups to be split finely or less finely, and still be operable.


So in the broadest sense we have:


Mongoloid, Capoid, Australoid, Caucasoid, Negroid.


And yes, both Jews and Whites are Caucasoid, and so are other groups.


But then taxonomies can go further. Races can go further.


There is a usefulness in differentiating between forms WITHIN those groupings.


South East Asians, such as the Thai, are Mongoloid. But they are distinct from Han Chinese, and East Asians. So we may talk of East Asians and South East Asians, or Thai, and Han etc (and the Thai race, the Han race etc).


With the Caucasoid group then, it can be separated into non-Jewish European Whites, Middle Eastern & North Africans Caucasoids, and Jewish Caucasoids, who are intermediate between the first group, and the latter two (or at least can be, when they are not wholly of the latter two groups).


A Thai is not a Chinese, just because they are both Mongoloids.


Similarly a Jew, is not a European White, just because they are both Caucasoids.


If you want to define White as a light skinned Caucasoid, while others define it as a non-Jewish, non-Middle Eastern, non-North African, non-mixed person of European descent, that is fine, so long as you understand that the people being referred to when a pro-White person uses the term, White, is not the people you mean when you do.


The two groups remain distinct.

Jews are not Aryan. Do you agree?


Would you prefer the term to refer to Whites, (as I use it), to be Aryan instead? People of Light?


Is there any term you would accept? Or is it REALLY that you do not want Whites (my usage) to be known as a separate people to Jews?


Because I think it is pretty easy to understand why…


You do not want Jews rejected from White (my usage) societies.


And we can understand why too… and it isn't mere anal retentiveness about labels (snigger).

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:55 a.m. No.17419658   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Whites are called Caucasian…from the Caucasus region…this is where the Khazarians are from…starting to see the picture?


The Ashekenazi are the modern descendants of the Khazars, but they did not remain pure. Their blood, their DNA, and their decent, is mixed with non-European people. Middle Eastern and North African DNA, inclusive of Middle Eastern and North African Jewish DNA.


Thus as has already been outlined to you, Ashkenazi Jews, do not genetically group with non-mixed Europeans, but instead group in an intermediate fashion BETWEEN the non-mixed European peoples, and Middle Eastern and North African Caucasoids.


In a similar manner to us taking a "Anglo-Celt" off the shelf, and mating it with an Egyptian North African.


The result DOES NOT group with other Anglo-Celts, but has experienced quite significant genetic drift away from the core group, no longer being OF it.


Ashkenazi Jews, the descendants of the Khazars, are EXACTLY in this category. A mixed group, no longer of their unmixed donor heritage by act of their mixing away from it.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 10:57 a.m. No.17419665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9801


>I don't care about ethnicity.

>Or what country a person's ancestors are originally from. Borders change. Countries change. Geographical boundary lines change.

>I am merely talking about if a person is


Yes a neat summation of the anti-White, pro-Jewish position, from a Jew.


"I don't care if your people lose their self-determination (as a group).. suck it".


And it is why your people, the Jews, are correctly characterised as the enemy of non-Jewish Whites.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 11:08 a.m. No.17419707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9785

Ashkenazi Jews do not genetically group with un-mixed Europeans, but separate to them, as they are a mixed people. Mixed with North African and Middle Eastern DNA and Middle Eastern and North African Jewish DNA, and others.


This is reality as it actually is. Jews and unmixed Europeans are genetically distinct. Different culture, different religion, different genetics, different ancestries, different people. And one with a history of doing immense harm to the other, any and EVERY time it has been accepted in the societies of the truly European group.


NECESSITATING their rejection.



LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 11:28 a.m. No.17419772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews are like vampires. No awareness of their reflection. While they are out here to campaign on things like " no we are there same as you, you cannot use any word to refer just to yourselves, non inclusive of Jews", to enable their anti-White grift to continue, they expose to all how attached they are to subversion and the continuance of their grift.


They show themselves to be harmful and rotten people, that do not engage honestly, but instead only with their own self-interest, placed over others, clutched dearly to their hearts.


Falling well short of the standards set by the people, Aryans, they claim to be (when it suits them) so closely related to.


So limited. Genuine White people can choose their own behaviour. Jews eternally locked to their self-serving grifts, proving their difference with their behaviour.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 11:39 a.m. No.17419811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9824


>Europeans are the original Judeans.

>Jews are Khazars, and cuckoos/parasites


Yes, to be clear, when utilising the words I do, "Jew" etc, I am referring to the modern accepted meaning of the words, whereby the modern "Jew" would more correctly be stated as "Pharisee".


The Mid-East was taken from its true owners, just as much of Western Asia has been… in no doubt a fairly similar fashion as to how the rest of our lands are being taken from us today.


What we today dub "Europeans" were certainly once inhabitants and rulers of many places where we now are not.


I think we have the same understanding. It is good to see text getting out there that goes against the Pharisee anti-White/anti-European grift.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 11:43 a.m. No.17419825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9826

When Whites watched Seinfeld, they thought it was modern White (selfish & juvenile) behaviour amped up for laughs.


When in reality it was the actual Jewish orientation toward others TONED DOWN for the audience.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:02 p.m. No.17419870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0110 >>0127



The holocaust is a work of historical fiction dude.


Hitler also relaxed gun laws for the vast majority of the population.


As for the others, they didn't remove guns either, their populations were broadly not armed in the first place.


You cannot take away what people don't have.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:07 p.m. No.17419898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9902 >>9914


>How many did your hero murder then?




Around 271,000 odd prisoners of all descriptions, not just Jews, died in the camps total, the vast majority from typhus and disease, and primarily after the Allies deliberately bombed German supply lines and interfered with the transport of food and medicine to the camps at the very end of the war. When the Germans were starving and dying too.


The Allies did much worse to White Christians before the war (the Kulaks) and to the Germans after the war (the Rhine Meadow Camps), and other examples, than the Germans ever did.


German troops were tried and punished, even executed for mistreating prisoners, inmates and other citizens and non-combatants under command of the top NS ranks.


THEIR side believed in the rules of war, even if the Allies did not.


Hitler also did absolutely everything possible to minimise war, and offer fair terms of peace to avoid war. And was rejected.


The entire war, and all the deaths, belong on other shoulders. Our own side's.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:22 p.m. No.17419943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9954 >>9962


>How many did the Master Race exterminate to try to create their Utopia?




If Jewish population numbers and migrant rivals are totalled for USA, Palestine, Argentina, UK, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Brazil etc, through the period, there are no large numbers of Jews missing.


They were not killed, they moved. All these places had very few Jews, and then within a tiny period of times, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions.


New York, almost overnight, from Christian city to Jewish city. USA from a couple hundred thousand Jews, to 6 million.


It was not Germany that made the war a world war, nor are they the ones that made war necessary.


It could have been ANY of these things, except for the decisions of the Allies:


1) a small scrap between Poland & Germany

2) a war of all Western Europe, inclusive of Germany, against Jewish led Bolshevik Russia, to save Europe (& liberate White Christian Russia) from their genocidal menacing, and then peace

3) a short war for Germany to recover its territories, with little loss of life, and then peace, with any lasting fighting solely to the East with Bolshevik Russia.

4) a war following the rules of war, without targeting of civilians for bombing, rape and destruction


The Allies chose total war, beyond the rules of war, to see as many White Christians harmed as possible, but especially the Germans totally destroyed.


Which is what happens when racial aliens control your societies and delight in, and do not shy from, sacrificing White Christian lives to further their own non-White, non-Christian plans.


A bit like Jewish Zelensky being happy to fight to the last White Christian Ukrainian and still lose. Lose both the land and the people, when both could have ben secured with minimal loss to one, and almost no loss to the other otherwise.


ww2 was a defensive war fought by White Christians against anti-White genocidal Jewish globalist bolshevism, and anti-White genocidal Jewish predatory GLOBALIST capitalism, with the Whites of the Western world fighting for.. you can guess which side.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:30 p.m. No.17419966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9977


>Oh, I get it now. The Nazis who came to America and took over the US government are the good guys.


If you genuinely look at a government filled with Jews, paying homage to Israel, in a nation dominated by Jewish media that supports the government, importing non-Whites to take the nation away from its heritage White stock, where people who are racist lose their jobs, and it is effectively criminalised to be a Nazi, and think you are ruled by "Nazis" you are dumber than a post.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, there is a 99.99% chance you aren't actually that dumb, but are instead trying to be subversive.


But oh man, if you really are dumb enough to believe Nazis would import non-Whites to take a society away from Whites, it would be a surprise if you even have the intelligence to pour your own coffee in the morning, or even spoon a spoonful of broth into your mouth unaided.


Zuckerberg? Nazi? No Jew.

Biden.. kids married to Nazis? No, Jews.

Trump.. kids married to Nazis? No, Jews.

Nader.. Nazi? No Jew.

and so on and so on.


Read the Talmud dumbass.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:38 p.m. No.17419999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0012


>Everyone who posed a threat to the Aryan Master Race Utopia was terrorized and persecuted by Hitler's loyal servants.



>The disabled?



These people doing a lot of good for White Christian Americans these days are they?


And by the way, everything you may say Hitler did to such groups, the West did too.


So even if there was some effort against them, it falls solidly in line with "treating such groups as was the NORM FOR THE PERIOD" rather than heinous outrageous crime beyond the pale.


Of the two sides in the war, Hitler's actions are the most excusable. Both his reason for being in the war, and the actions he took, and the way his side proceeded with the war and their behaviour within it.


Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, orders of magnitude worse.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:45 p.m. No.17420022   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The bankers love it when you White Christian Nationalist Zionists rattle your swords on their command.


Is that why they constantly work towards criminalising the speech and thoughts of people like me and I would severely risk jail speaking as I do -the truth- in many Western societies?


Think you might have something backwards champ. They don't pass laws against thoughts they want the public to have, but ones they'd rather people never get exposed to.


Which means there must be some threat in those words to their power no?


So if you are against me, you are effectively against the people and thoughts, the authorities most directly fear (because other people aren't having their speech criminalised).


The same authorities replacing Whites in their own nation, and putting Jews above criticism.


Something might just be in what I say then no?

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.17420030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0036


>Why do you insert the word Jewish in that meme?


Because Hitler was speaking directly of Jews when making the quoted commentary.


Funny how that is left out by the mainstream media when trying to present Hitler as ENDORSING the techniques when in reality he was criticising them.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:51 p.m. No.17420039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048


>Hitler was conducting genocide in Germany


With masturbating machines, and by throwing Jews into cages with lions & bears? Or was it seating them on "rollercoaster death machines"?


Was it making them into lampshades or bars of soap?


In Western "death" camps or Eastern?


All utter lies. A propaganda hoax to motivate Western White Christians to fight a war against their own interests, to harm their own interests, and to boot, murder other White Christians and hand the world over to global Jewish tyranny.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:55 p.m. No.17420052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0059 >>0075


>Who funded Hitler?


His government?

German labour. Producing goods which were then traded with others.


The dude was on the front lines of ww1, and the son of a maid.


Funny how such humble beginnings don't describe any of the other leaders. But Hitler is the one you pick to demonise.


Here's a hint: a person that risked their life at war.. is probably not one of the elite.. who tend to keep themselves above such stations.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 12:59 p.m. No.17420073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0081


>Oh, poor little Nazi

>You think you're special

>Hint, you're not

>You are no better than anyone else.


The only thing I ask for, is each group to have their own space to self-rule upon it.


That is the exact opposite of what you allege. And I am a "Nazi" for wanting exactly that.


Which again illustrates how the reality of the war and the period is flipped on its head, as is the status of who was genuinely fighting for a righteous cause and who was not.


Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and White Nations for everybody is not a "Great Awakening", it is a continuance of globalist anti-White genocidal doctrine.


In reality it is you, here, campaigning for special treatment for Whites.


Whereas I am happy for the same treatment for all, EACH group to have its own space and safety and self-rule upon it, it is you that take issue with this, hence defaulting to the position above… fine for other groups, but something to deny to Whites.


Your alleged charge of my wanting special positive treatment for Whites, then is false.


Rather it is you wanting special negative treatment for Whites. And characterising any person wanting otherwise, with an intended anti-White slur.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:04 p.m. No.17420083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0113


>Try speaking against your Pope's vaxx


Criminalised. Do you understand the meaning of the word?


And "my" pope?

I guess you have to go with sheer invention when nothing in reality supports your arguments.


Much like the "it is really Nazis in control routine".

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.17420086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097



If you believe him to be a "useless Jew faggot" then I guess you believe that jews should be blamed for the (fake) holocaust not Whites?


And they should pay Whites reparations not the other way around?

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:09 p.m. No.17420093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0136


>You're simply lying.

>HENRY FORD was not a member of "German Labor".


And Henry Ford was an upstanding American, who exemplifies everything a good White person , and a good American is.


So if he supported Hitler, doesn't that indicate that perhaps the Jewish press has been lying about him?


Hard to not have arguments against Hitler shot to pieces when a critical voice is present isn't it.


Almost like maintaining anti-Hitler fictions requires a captive and ignorant audience that can't talk back.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:11 p.m. No.17420102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Although you know.. it is a pretty big claim to say that Henry Ford is actually the one responsible for ww2.


I've never seen anyone else seriously maintain such a claim, would you genuinely like to?


That if there was no Henry Ford, and his money, no attempt from Germany to resist genocidal anti-White Jewish bolshevism?

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:24 p.m. No.17420139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0165 >>0197


>You only speak for you

>You don't speak for white people


Any person ok with Whites losing the nations they founded, and group self-determination, to imported others, is definitively not speaking on behalf of White interests, and so is wholly unqualified to do so.


On the other hand, since I actually speak on behalf of White interests, and them retaining their human rights, their human group rights, and am qualified to, and DO speak on behalf of White people.


>You don't speak for christians


See above.

>You don't even speak for Nazis, unless they had a secret election and made you the Second Coming of Hitler and didn't tell anyone


I do speak "for Nazis" as my words are consistent with the positions of people who self identify as National Socialists. If I am off-base then it is other "Nazis" that could correct me, but they do not, as we are in agreement. We care about the truth, and Whites, and sustainability, in balance with honour, integrity and respect (which involves considerations being Whites), so our thoughts are led to the same places.


>Why you think what other people do is any of your business is a function of your Religious Zealotry…brainwashing.


What characterises and differentiates our position with others, is that we have not agreed to throw the interests of Whites under the bus, but staunchly defend them.


What characterises the people that oppose us, is their parroting and mirroring of anti-White propaganda on blast by the mainstream Jewish media for 75 or so years, that has turned Western civilisation into a disaster zone.


And that is the true cult.


It is not our words that are incongruous with Western history, and the thoughts and deeds of our ancestors, but that of the people opposed to us.


The people in a cult, are the ones going against the behaviour, thoughts and wishes that were PRIORLY normal.


And it WAS entirely normal for Whites NOT TO disregard their own group interests. It only became normal post ww2 when Whites were brainwashed by media against their own.


So the cult members, are not us, but those opposed.


To get out of the cult, one has to place importance on White needs.


Which is NOT being okay with White replacement in White nations, and the finalisation of White dispossession via lack of resistance or delegitimisation of resistance.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:28 p.m. No.17420154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If you can't see the Christ-complex,


A person willing to stand up for what is right is bad then?


Do you understand what was being done to Germans under Weimar, and its similarities to what is being to Western Whites today?


You don't think a person should grab their opportunity, if available to end such things? Such genocidal and anti-White racist, and inhuman, abuse?


How Jewish of you.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:31 p.m. No.17420162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189



So now you want to say that White people should not listen to Henry Ford, but should listen to Abbas?


Funny how your hole keeps getting bigger isn't it.

It's what happens when you'll grab anything to try to make a point, rather than simply lining up with the truth, which allows connected and rational arguments to be made, without the contradictory pulls to and fro.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:39 p.m. No.17420192   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ford is but an example of the global elites who funded White Christian Nationalist Jesus Hitler's war machine.


If the Rothschilds controlled Germany prior to Hitler, and you allege globalist elites financed Hitler to get him into power, and Hitler was aligned with the Rothschild elites (the argument made so far), and those same elites ruled the West.


…then it makes of Hitler an unnecessary accessory.


Their plans would have proceeded just as well without him. So why the effort to place him?


And you are still stuck at the origins of our debate.


If Hitler was installed to betray the German people, examples would have to be proved, that he lied to the German people, and did not act in consonance with their needs.


When you have been unable to provide any such example. And when you did, your attempts were exposed as relying on ignorance in your audience, as wen a person actually had a background in events, they could easily supply a rational explanation for Hitler's choices, and it was clear they were in Germany's best interests.


History shows that the Western world has NEVER shied away from making war when it wanted to.


Your allegation is they got Hitler in, so they could make war. But the very history of the West attests to this being 100% unnecessary.


They did not need Saddam to be a puppet, to destroy Iraq, they wanted to, so they did.


Ditto with Gadaffi. Assad etc.


They do wha they like because they control the media, HERE, they don't NEED to control an overseas person then to deliver the wars they want. They can just lie their way in.


Which in reality is what they have done.

LGTH ID: 855b17 Aug. 20, 2022, 1:45 p.m. No.17420217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"They want you divided by race"

>"They want you divided by religion"

>"They want you divided by Party"

>"Divided you are weak."

>Hello (((they))).

>Disclaimer: this post and the subj


So your logic is, if you support this:


Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and White Nations for everybody, which is the globalist elite and marxist pushed outcome… you are not divisive.


And if you support Asia for Asians, African for Africans and White Nations for Whites you are divisive.


So in other words, your case is, that if you are not for Whites losing their rights, and losing their spaces, to hostile invading racial, religious and cultural aliens, and against such people cementing their control over formerly White spaces, you are divisive.


So basically, if you do not support White genocide and replacement, you are divisive.


Well done champ, you couldn't make it more clear what is actually being asked for, and what unity in context means.