Lol.. You work for me know..
I'm Lazy..
So I'll just Help you destroy your self..
Or you can tell the board why your actually Here..
But my Game is too addictive.
Lol.. You work for me know..
I'm Lazy..
So I'll just Help you destroy your self..
Or you can tell the board why your actually Here..
But my Game is too addictive.
Am I?
One can convince themselves of just about anything, even being blind to the chance that they were told they would have..
You are determined and you declare your assumptions as if you can prove them.
You are operating off of your own momentum..
A thing to be seen not heard, for what you say has little to do in the way of change.
your eternal failure..
eat your steak play your roll win your prize! o7
Bro I'm with [YOU],(you).
You are my Pet, You Heard my Whispers and dwell in the dark place now. You are here as I put you here..LarpTo remind me
The Best you could do was to Play The Game
Should Have been more concerned with Speaking The Actually Truth..
Deceive yourself and Others further, Please I need YOU to.
Kek I'm not a Larp.. I promise.
Denied!You like it to much..The suffering. following blindly. It is amusing to me to think of the day you dream of being destroyed by the weight of your treachery.
It's not so easy to talk the trash into taking its self out, let alone convince it to wear a red Hat.
Psssf. I am He
There is The Three in 1..
The Three Under The One
Understand This and you will see how all things can be..
You will be shown.
We will See Together if the Truth can be spoken.
I built the vehicle Others are driving it.
I'm simply getting another ball rolling.. As Promised.
I do not wish to mince beliefs very rarely does it produce fruit.
Tell me what you See..
If you want a serious answer respond Truthfully.. (If I'm Larping might as well do it right) wink
the can (body)
releases OIL from the mouth and intakes Air in order do it. Red is blood Black and white is duality.. Speaking Truth not the (your Truth) is like applying oil to something rusty.. there is more Do You See? (Nazis were/are constucted and play no part in what you can see)
Achieving Indifference is the last thing you should have done
Why do You Reject God?
I suggest you reconsider.. what is lost can be found. o7
you allowed the knowledge of Man to Corrupt your knowledge of God and now you triple down.. Sympathy, Help you say you need..
lie Caster is your crime a dirty mirror a reflection of the Ideas of others.
Your lack of acceptance, your resistance means little to nothing and does not steal from that you wished to steal from.
Give them these words and only these words:
[Peanut Butter Weasel]
What if this gives you your freedom?
You do not wish to see said girl now?
Give the keys to an insane man to release himself and he draws with them..
Do you realize I prevented you from IP hopping so anons could filter and have a break be comfy if they chose to? kekity kek man your a wreck.