fuckingNOTABLEif true
I am just waiting for muh pre-planned part to pan out.
I might just be an extra
I guess parts are parts
>Im seeing it
>I've been denied healtcare by my goverment
>I've been threatened with imprisonment for not wearing a face diaper
>I've been denied service for not being vaxxed
>I've lost friends/family to the vaxx
>Once Biden's digital currency EO goes into effect next month, perhaps we'll see the loss of ability to conduct commerce due to unapproved thoughts and opinions?
>Lovely plan.
I suppose for the last decade I have done my own health care
I am not really great at it, however I am not dead
yeah I made a list of those that denied
most heat breaking is that loss of loved ones NOW and the thought of the known future pain and suffering orSADmoment
go gallt and live chaotic and asymetric or at least in the greatest percentage of energy your are able to
Make Your Own Plan