Gladys Berejiklian Takes Over The World - This is just too funny. The Fourth Reich has taken over in Australia and you will submit or be stabbed in the head. From August 2021.
Elephants crossing the road. The last elephant says "thank you".
What the fuck is Google Play and why should we care?
Stick a monkeypox infested dick in that.
You are watching a movie.
So ballet is now just wiggling around while standing tiptoe?
Low IQ wannabees pretending to be what they are cannot be.
>She became aware.
A lot of people are like Skynet. They will suddenly become self-aware. It is inevitable.
Good trance music 24/7:;
It would really suck to know things but to be sworn to never talk about them.
Takings secrets to my grave is not a future that I enjoy contemplating.
Investigate Mike Pence